Shannan Custom – Costume of Menba Nationality
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Shannan Custom – Costume of Menba Nationality

Update: Dec. 11th, 2012

Women of Menba Nationality

The relationship between Menba Nationality and Tibet is very close. The living habits and custom of Menba Nationality is greatly affected by Tibetan. At the same time, Menba Nationality is with distinctive characteristics. The costume of Menba Nationality almost made up of Pulu. Pulu is a kind of Tibetan wool which often used to make cloths and cushion by Tibetans, with various categories and bright color. It is necessary thing in life of Menba nationality.

Shannan Custom – Hat of Menba Nationality

The hat of Menba Nationality is very special. Both male and female in Menba Nationality will wear same hat. This kind of hat is named "Balaga" in Menba Language. The crown of this kind of hat is made up of blue or black Tibetan wool, the bottom is made up red Tibetan wool, and the brim is yellowish-brown. There is a nick on the brim of hat. When wear the hat, male will move the nick above right eye, and female will move the nick back.

Shannan Custom – Boots and Robe of Menba Nationality

The people of Menba Nationality wear red boots. Males of Menba Nationality almost wear sienna robe or Tibetan wool robe which is shorter than Tibetan robe. Because the slopes in Menba Nationality inhabited in Shannan is steep and narrow, people would like to wear boots with soft soles. And this kind of boots is made up of red and black Tibetan wool.

Shannan Custom – Ornaments of Menba Nationalty

Female of Menba Nationality is also wear robe, with an apron which made up of white Tibetan wool in front. Women in Lebu and Bangjin Area are used to drape a sheepskin or raw calf skin over their backs. It is said that this is custom left by Princess Wencheng when she came to Shannan, to drive off evil spirits. Women of Menba Nationality wear the ornaments of turquoise, red coral and agate on neck. The clothes of women's are named "Donggu", with long and short kinds. Some women also hang an amulet of Buddhism box which made up from metal in front of chest, with image of Buddha and scripture in the box. This kind of box is named "Garwu". No matter women or men in Menba Nationality will wear red Tibetan wool waistband which is about 2 meters long and 6 meters wide.

Both women and men will wear a long waistband. Some people of Menba Nationality will hang "Garwu" in front of chest because then think it can protect them. Both male and female of Menba Nationality will wear copper or silver bracelet.

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