Travel to Namtso Lake in October
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Travel to Namtso Lake in October

Update: Oct. 12th, 2013

Namtso Lake in October

With an altitude of 4718 meters, Namtso Lake is the highest salt water lake above the sea level. Covers a total area of 1920 square kilometers, Namtso Lake has a width of 30 kilometers from the north to the south and a length of 70 kilometers from the east to the west. Namtso Lake is widely noted as the largest lake in Tibet and the second largest salt water lake in China. It is also a holy lake for the followers of Tibetan Buddhism in different corners of the world.

Travel to Namtso Lake in October – La-ken-la Mountain Pass and Tashi Island

Tourists planning to travel to Lake Namtso in October will have the chance to take the last glance of the breathtaking natural landscape there before the coming of the winter. Generally, it starts to snow at Namtso Lake Scenic Area in November and the road to Namtso Lake might be closed to tourists due to the thick snow and ice. La-ken-la Mountain Pass on the way between Lhasa and Namtso Lake is even snowing in September for its high altitude (about 5200 meters above the sea level). Hence, it is necessary for tourists to prepare warm clothes before heading to Namtso Lake.

Namtso Lake is about 250 kilometers away from Lhasa, and it takes about 5 hours driving to get to the lake from Lhasa. Tourists who've been to Namtso Lake might have seen some pilgrims were circumambulating around the Tashi Island there. For the devout Tibetans, circumambulating around the holy island is a way to ask for forgiveness and happiness from the Buddha. It is a tradition to walk around Tashi Island clockwise for 13 circles for local Tibetans. The pilgrims could also wash their face and present a hada to Namtso Lake at the Tashi Bathing Gate.

Travel to Namtso Lake in October – Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains

Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains mainly composed of three mountains – the Western Mountain, the Eastern Mountain and the Southern Mountain. The growth of the glaciers here is greatly influenced and limited by the topography. Tourists here could witness the amazing mountain valley glacier and the hanging glacier in the northern slope of Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains. There are also magnificent glaciers lying in the valley in the northern and southern slope of Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains.

The Namtso Lake and Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains add beauty to each other all year around. The snow-capped mountains and the clean water compose a fascinating natural picture. The famous hot spring spot in Tibet – Yampachen is located at the southern foot of the main peak of Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains. Actually, tourists travel to Namtso Lake in October could see the Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains soon once you get to Yampachen from Lhasa.

Travel to Namtso Lake in October – Tips

Tourists willing to travel to Namtso Lake in October should note that the natural environment there is much worse than that in Lhasa. The high altitude there requires tourists to have a good acclimation in Lhasa before heading to the holy lake. Tourists have high demand in the accommodation are not advised to stay overnight at Namtso Lake for the board and lodging condition here is pretty limited. But it will be well worth to spend a night here to appreciate the spectacular sunset view and sunrise view if you can cope with the natural environment very well.

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