Ngari Highlights
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Ngari Highlights

Update: Dec. 19th, 2013

Zhada Soil Forest

It is amazing of Ngari Prefecture of Tibet featuring the magnificent snow mountains and grand rivers scenery, which is surrounded by the top three great mountain ranges of the world - Himalaya Mountain Range, Gangdisê Mountain Range and Karakoram Mountain Range. Ngari Prefecture is widely known for the beautiful boundary county - Pulan County, Zhada County and Ritu County. The north of Ngari Prefecture is the wide grassland living by large numbers of rare wild animals.

Ngari Highlights

Mt. Kailash

Mt. Kailash is the main peak of Gangdisê Mountain Range of China and high praised as one of the most beautiful mountains with hard breathtaking scenery of China. Acted as the second higher peak of Gangdisê Mountain Range, the top of Mt. Kailash is 6721 meters higher than the sea level. It is available in the north of Pulan County in the southwest of Tibet. You can see the deep Shangquan River Valley, amazing Mapam Yungtso Lake and quiet Lake Rakshastal in the south of Mt. Kailash.

Besides, called "the King of the Sacred Mountains", it is the Buddhist center of the devout followers throughout the world because it has been regarded as the pilgrim center of Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism and original Bon Sect since ancient times. It is said that you will be blessed if you come to Mt. Kailash in the Year of Horse (Chinese lunar calendar).

Mapam Yungtso Lake

Situated about 35 kilometers far from the Pulan County in the south of Mt. Kailash, Mapam Yungtso Lake is the largest freshwater lake of China and regarded as the original source of the top 4 rivers of the world. In Tibet, Mapam Yungtso Lake is also called Lake Manasarovar and highly respected as the top 3 Sacred Lakes here. The perimeter of the lake is about 90 km. The wild nature around Mapam Yungtso Lake is amazing and attracts lots of people every year. They come from all over the world and trek around the lake clockwise, which usually takes 4 days trekking.

The Relics of Guge Kingdom

The grand Relics of Guge Kingdom is available in the south river bank of Shangquan River in Zhada County about 19 kilometers far from the downtown. It was established by the descendant of Tubo Dynasty about 1300 years ago. It was ever splendid with mighty army and profound culture and inherited by more than 20 kings. This magnificent dynasty was perished in the 17th Century. The enormous ancient buildings that succeeded from Guge Kingdom has been preserved well and became the unsolved mystery of the world.

Zhada Soil Forest

It is miraculous that formed by a large area of the soil forest, Zhada Soil Forest is wildly renowned by many explorers, located in Zhada County. It covers an area of 888 square kilometers and stands 3750-4450 meters higher than the sea level. During Tibet tour, Zhada Soil Forest is hardly accepted or visited by tourists as it is a little far from Lhasa Center. Hence, it is still little-known by most people, but loved by passionate hikers.

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