Travel to Namtso Lake to enjoy the breathtaking natural view in winter
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Travel to Namtso Lake to enjoy the breathtaking natural view in winter

Update: Dec. 9th, 2013

Namtso in winter

It is reported that the breathtaking ice & snow scenery at Namtso Lake attracted a large number of visitors in the last winter. According to statistics provided by staff working in Namtso Lake Scenic Area Administrative Office, there are nearly 100 visitors come to Namtso Lake to enjoy the breathtaking natural view each day since early October. As we all known, with high altitude, Namtso Lake is getting colder continuously with the coming of October. This winter, Namtso Lake Scenic Area employed 4 snow clears to clean the snow on the road so as to provide a relatively safer transportation for visitors.

The number of visitors coming to Namtso Lake keeps increasing since later October. It is reported that the breathtaking natural ice & snow view at Namtso Lake is the main attraction for visitors willing to visit here in the cold winter season. There are nearly 100 visitors entered into Namtso Lake Scenic Area for sightseeing each day since later October. Tourists planning to pay a visit to Namtso Lake should note that the road would be closed if it snows heavily. It is a better choice to cancel your Namtso Lake plan in consideration of safety and the severe weather condition.

Namtso Lake Scenic Area suffered a heavy snow between October 20th and November 4th. The administrative office invested great human resource in ensuring the safety of visitors in the scenic area during these days. To enhance the safety, all the vehicles heading to Namtso Lake in winter are strongly suggested to equip some safety equipments, such as the nonskid chain. Except for the transportation, the administrative office also put great emphasis in the interior management in the scenic area. Tourists travel to Namtso Lake in winter could enjoy the basic service which is the same as that in the peak season in summer.

Namtso Lake is about 250 kilometers away from Lhasa. Tourists willing to pay a visit to Lake Namtso to enjoy the breathtaking natural scenery in winter are not advised to spend a night there. There is no star standard hotels at Namtso Lake and there is only simple guesthouses could not even provide enough hot water. Besides, the altitude at the Holy Lake is more than 1000 meters higher than that of Lhasa. It might be a great challenge to rest in such a high place with lower oxygen content in the air. Therefore, tourists could drive back to Lhasa for night rest after spenfing few hours at Namtso Lake.

Before heading to Namtso Lake from Lhasa, tourists should prepare warm clothes to cope with the cold in place with higher altitude. The La-ken-la Mountain Pass on the way to Namtso Lake is about 5200 meters above the sea level and the temperature there is much lower than the other places all year around. It is necessary to get back to your vehicle quickly after taking some pictures at La-ken-la Mountain Pass so as to avoid any possible cold injury.

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