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The high season of Tibet tour in 2014 is coming with the coming of May

Time:2014-05-04By: CherrySource: Xinhua Net

Tibet Transportation

With the coming of the annual May Day Holiday, the high season of Tibet tour in 2014 is coming. The number of visitors visiting Tibet increases obviously during that short holiday. At the same time, the train tickets and flight tickets to Lhasa are in larger demand.

According to staff in Tibet Tourism Bureau, the annual high season of Tibet tourism would last from May 1st to October 31st. The amount of tourists coming to Tibet in these months would be much larger than that in the other months.

According to the deputy chief of Lhasa Railway Station, the passenger flow volume of the railway station keeps increasing since middle April this year. The seats on the Tibet trains departure from Chengdu, Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and some other cities were all taken since late April. It is predicted that there will be about 8616 person-times leaving Lhasa by the railway transportation furing the May Day Holiday.

Not only the train tickets to Lhasa from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xining, and Lanzhou are in large demand with the coming of May, the train tickets leaving Lhasa for these cities are also in large demand. It is difficult to get the hard berth & soft berth tickets on the train departure for Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou between May 1st and May 10th for a large amount of visitors make a Tibet tour during that period. Therefore, it is necessary for tourists to book the train tickets in advance if you are willing to take a train to get in/out of Tibet.

Currently, tourists could book the train tickets to/out of Tibet 20 days in advance of your departure date. While booking the Tibet train tickets on the internet, tourists are required to provide your name and passport number. Also, the scanned copy of your Tibet Travel Permit and original copy of your passport are required while withdraw the paper ticket from the wickets.

At the same time, the air tickets to/out of Tibet is in larger demand with the coming of May. Tourists visited Tibet Tibet during the May Day Holiday might have found that the airlines offer less discount for passengers. The occupancy of the hot lines to and from Lhasa is much higher compared to that in April.

There is no doubt that the number of visitors coming to Tibet will increase rapidly with the carrying-out of a series of promotion activities in Tibet tourism and the coming of summer. Except for the tourists, the pilgrims in different corners of the world would rush to Tibet in the year of horse (2014 is the year of horse according to the Tibetan calendar). Both the train tickets and air tickets to and out of Tibet are in larger demand. Therefore, tourists planning a Tibet tour are strongly suggested to book your Tibet tour at least one month in advance, then your agency will have enough time to hand the ticket matters for you. It must be a big pity if you have to put off your Tibet tour due to the ticket problems.


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