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Namtso received more than 6000 visitors each day in the peak season

Time:2013-8-27By: LeoSource: Xinhua Net

beautiful Namtso Lake.jpg

Noted as one of the three holy lakes in Tibet, Namtso Lake has been the must-visit natural site for tourists especially interested in the natural scenery on Tibet Plateau. It is reported that there were only two wickets opened to tourists in the peak season of last year. Tourists had to wait outside for a long time. But this year, the administrative department has opened two more wickets between June and October this year.

To improve the service quality of Namtso Lake Scenic Area, relevant department opened 4 wickets to provide entrance tickets sailing service for visitors from different corners of the world. Visitors could enter into the scenic area in a pretty short time once you arrive in here. As one of the most popular scenic spots in summer, Lake Namtso is not so popular among tourists making a Tibet tour in winter for tourists are worried about the possible high altitude sickness. There is no doubt that the oxygen content in the air at Namtso Lake is much lower than that in the plain areas, but it is researched that the oxygen content in the air is only about 2 percent less in winter than that in summer. Hence, the winter season in Tibet is also suitable for sightseeing.

To meet the demand of tourists willing to pay a visit to Namtso Lake in winter, the administrative department of Namtso Lake has carried out the Namtso Lake Tour program in winter last year. It is reported that there were nearly 1000 visitors at Namtso Lake each day in last winter. According to a staff in Namtso Lake Scenic Area, the daily number of visitors decreased rapidly after August before the Namtso Lake Winter Tour was carried out. Currently, there is also stable number of tourists coming to Namtso Lake though it is already the last week in August. It is reported that Namtso Lake is planning to open to visitors from different corners of the world throughout the winter 2013. A certain number of tourists will have the chance to enjoy the fascinating snow landscape at Namtso Lake.

Generally, the period between May and September is regarded as the best season for sightseeing at Namtso Lake. The number of tourists at Namtso Lake decreases obviously due to the cold weather. Tourists planning a Namtso Lake tour in winter should note that the La-ken-la Mountain Pass with an altitude around 5200 meters would be covered with thick snow in the winter season. For consideration of tourists' safety, relevant department has arranged snow clearers to clean the snows on the road to Namtso in winter.

For tourists be enthusiastic in photographing, the sunset view and sunrise view at Namtso Lake must be very attractive. To better catch the natural view, a lot of visitors would like to spend a night here. It should be noted that there is obvious temperature difference between day and night at Namtso Lake due to its high altitude (4718 meters). It is necessary to prepare a warm sleeping bag for tourists willing to set up a tent by the lake. In addition, the board and lodging condition in the guesthouse near Namtso Lake is also quite limited.

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