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Mt. Everest received more than 75,000 visitors in the first 10 months in 2013

Time:2013-12-04By: TiffanySource: Tibetnews.cn

Mt.Everest Base

According to statistics provided by the Tourism Bureau of Tingri County, Mt. Everest has received a total number of 75,682 visitors came here for sightseeing and adventure in the first 10 months in 2013. The total number of visitors has increased 11.3 percent compared to the same period of the last year. It is reported that 55,260 visitors had entered into Mt. Everest National Nature Reserve between January and October 2013, among which 48,733 of them are domestic tourists and 6527 of them are foreign tourists. Tingri County has achieved a total tourism revenue of more than 38.05 million CNY and that increased 12 percent compared to the same period of last year.

Noted as the highest mountain above the sea level, Mt. Everest has been one of the most attractive natural sites in Tibet. Tourists planning to spend more than 7 days in Lhasa have enough time to pay a visit to Mt. Everest Base Camp. Generally, it takes about 6 days to visit the Base Camp from Lhasa (including sightseeing in the scenic spots in Shigatse).Generally; we would arrange a 4WD for tour groups with 3 or less than 3 members. It should be noted that the road condition of the section which is about 30 kilometers away from the Mt. Everest Base Camp is pretty limited and a good conditioned 4WD is the best choice for the washboard style road.

To welcome visitors making a Mt. Everest tour from different corners of the world, the guesthouses and hotels in Tingri County keep improving their basic service facilities recent years. According to the bosses of the guesthouses in Tingri, they had put great emphasis in the improvement of the sanitary facilities and visitors could rest in a better equipped room compared to the earlier years. Besides, some of the guesthouses in Tingri are even equipped with tea house and restaurant.

With higher altitude, Mt. Everest Base Camp (about 5200 meters above the sea level) has a lower temperature than Lhasa (about 3600 meters above the sea level). To cope with the cold in the night, tourists planning to spend a night at the Base Camp are strongly suggested to prepare a warm sleeping bag in winter. Warm clothes are necessary even in the summer season. The guesthouse at Rongbuk Monastery only provides dorm beds for tourists. Some simple Tibetan style food and Sichuan style cooking are available in the guesthouse. It is necessary to prepare some favorite solid food in advance in case the food provided by the local guesthouse could not meet your appetite.

Tourists have flexible vacation are strongly suggested to avoid visiting Mt. Everest Base Camp in the cold winter season. It is said that the visibility in April, May, September and October is much better than the other seasons, and these seasons are widely regarded as the best season for sightseeing at Mt. Everest Base Camp. But, July and August are the peak season for Mt. Everest tour though it is the rainy season. The main reason is that the oxygen content in the air would be relatively higher in this season and the weather would be relatively humid.

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