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Namtso Lake received nearly 0.5 million visitors in 2013

Time:2014-01-21By: LeoSource: Tibetnews.cn


According to statistics provided by Lhasa Potala Palace Tourism Culture Group, Namtso Lake Scenic Area received nearly 0.5 million visitors in 2013, and that number increased 25 percent compared to the same period of last year. Also, the 0.5 million visitors from different corners of the world brought an annual tourism avenue around 50 million Chinese Yuan for Namtso Lake Scenic Area. Lhasa Potala Palace Tourism Culture Group has put a total investment of 21 million Chinese Yuan into the construction and improvement of the infrastructure in Namtso Lake Scenic Area. It is reported that several parts of the first-stage construction project had been completed till early January.

The number of visitors coming to Namtso Lake for sightseeing keeps increasing after it was awarded as the first national park in Lhasa City in 2012. The annual number of visitors to Namtso Lake Scenic Area keeps increasing by 20 percent yearly. Tourists who've traveled to Tibet in earlier years might have found that Namtso Lake was not opened to tourists till 2012. Tourists who've visited Namtso Lake Scenic Area in the winter of 2012 were deeply impressed by the amazing natural picture composed of snow-capped mountains and iced-up lake. Tourists planning to visit Namtso Lake in the winter season should note that the road condition to Namtso Lake would be greatly influenced by the snow. In consideration of safety, tourists are suggested to avoid traveling to Namtso Lake on the snowing days.

Generally, it gets warmer at Namtso Lake with the coming of March though it has an altitude around 4715 meters. Tibet tourism would enter into its high season gradually with the coming of May. Noted as a beautiful holy lake, Namtso Lake has been one of the must-visit spots for both tourists and pilgrims both at home and abroad. Therefore, the guesthouses at Namtso Lake are in large demand in the warm season between May and September. Visitors planning to spend a night here are strongly suggested to get to Namtso Lake before noon in case any overbooking.

According the principle of Lhasa Potala Palace Tourism Culture Group, the construction of Namtso Lake National Park will be centered on Namtso Lake. The planning 5A class Namtso Lake Scenic Area under construction will be composed of the Entrance Area, Comprehensive Service Center, Experience Area of the Nomadic Customs, Exhibition Region of Tibetan Cukture, Experience Area of the Plateau Lake, Relaxation Experience Area, Ecological Experience Area and some other functional areas. Currently, the construction of the Gate of Namtso Lake Scenic Area, two large-sized sightseeing decks and four small-sized sightseeing decks, parking lot, sightseeing plank and waiting area had been completed.

There is an ancient tradition in Tibet, making kora around the holy mountains in the year of horse (according to the Tibetan calendar) and circumambulating around the holy lakes in the year of goat. 2014 is the year of horse and a lot of pilgrims from difference areas of the world will rush to Ngari to make kora around Mt. Kailash. There must be a large number of pilgrims travel to Namtso Lake to circumambulate around the lake.

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