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News for Travel to Tibet in Summer

Time:2014-0721By: TiffanySource: Xinhua Net


According to statistics provided by Tibet Tourism Bureau, Tibet received more than 2.41 million visitors both at home and abroad between January and June this year. The number of visitors increased nearly 20 percent compared to the same period of last year. The total tourism revenue reached 2.1 billion Chinese yuan and that increased 43.64 percent compared to the same period in 2013.

It is reported that the carrying-out of a series of Tibet winter tour products greatly contribute to the increasing of visitors in Tibet in the first half of 2014. A large number of visitors were attracted to Tibet by the traditional Tibetan festivals celebrated in winter, such as the solemn Tibetan New Year. Except for the special festival atmosphere, the warm and lovely sunshine also attracts a large number visitors from different corners of the world. Also, tourists willing to better explore the local folk customs could also pay a visit to the local Tibetan family. Tibetan family visiting provides tourists the chance to taste the local food and experience the local Tibetans' daily life.

During the celebration of the Tibetan New Year Festival, visitors in Lhasa could also take a taste of the local snacks wich were especially prepared for the festival celebration. Also, Drepung Monastery and Sera Monastery had been the must-visit sites for tourists visiting Lhasa during the Tibetan New Year. There will be grand religious ceremonies held in both Drepung and Sera. Impressive Buddhism scripture chanting scene and interesting butter lamp manufacture in these ancient monasteries always make visitors be reluctant to leave.

Actually, the number of tourists interested in Tibet and willing to come to Tibet would be relatively larger in summer compared to the other seasons. It is reported that the occupancy rate in the hotels and guesthouses in Lhasa had reached 90 percent recently. Tourists making a self-help tour in Tibet should book the hotel before you land on Lhasa. It should also be noted that the price of the hotels is relatively higher in summer compared to the other seasons for summer is the best season for sightseeing in most regions in Tibet.

To provide visitors the chance to enjoy the breathtaking natural landscape and explore the mysterious culture on Tibet Plateau, local travel agencies designed a series of attractive tour routes. Visitors have strong interest in the natural scenery on Tibet Plateau could pay a visit to Mt. Everest Base Camp, Yamdrok Lake, Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, Mt. Kailash and Namtso Lake. For tourists interested in the profound Tibetan history and culture, Lhasa City, Shigatse City and Tsedang Town would allow you to look into the history deeply from the ancient relics.

With the increasing of visitors, the air/train tickets to Tibet are in larger demand in July and August. It is even difficult to get a hard seat ticket on the train to Lhasa from some of the popular entrance cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai. Therefore, tourists willing to enjoy the picturesque natural landscape along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway are strongly suggested to travel to Lhasa by air and leave Lhasa by train so as to avoid the difficulty in booking the train tickets.

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