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Tibet tourism resources are in large demand in the peak season

Time:2013-07-18By: LeoSource: Meiya.com

Lhasa Train Station

Tibet tour enters into its hottest season with the coming of July, 2013. The limited tourism resources in Tibet are in large demand in the peak season. According to statistics provided by Tibet Tourism Bureau, Tibet has received about 3.43 million visitors in total in the first half of 2013. These tourists brought a total tourism revenue of 3.17 billion RMB to Tibet.

It is reported that about 3.43 million tourists from different corners of the world visited Tibet between January and June in 2013. It increased 21.8 percent compared to the same period of last year. Among the 3.43 million visitors, 3.40 million of them are domestic tourists while the left are foreign tourists or tourists from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. The number of domestic visitors came to Tibet between January and June increased 22.1 percent compared to the first half year of 2012.

Recent years, the transportation and the relevant service facilities are greatly improved, the number of tourists planning to pay a visit to Tibet keeps increasing year by year. Currently, tourists planning to visit Tibet have more choices in the transportation to Lhasa, including the trains and flights from different domestic cities, such as Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Xining and Shenzhen. Tourists planning to join the Tibet train tours have to spend dozens of hours on the train, but the fascinating natural scenery along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway also attracts a large number of tourists. To provide more convenience for tourists, the tourist dedicated train between Xining and Lhasa is opened between June and August. It departures Xining at 22:00 p.m. and arrive in Lhasa ay 21:45 p.m. Tourists taking this train will have a whole day to witness the beautiful Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

With amazing natural landscapes, Tibet Plateau is of great attraction for tourists all around the world. But the high altitude and severe climate condition have been the largest concern for tourists planning a Tibet tour. To attract more tourists come to Tibet for sightseeing, the relevant departments in Tibet provide the special High Altitude Sickness Insurance for visitors to ensure their physical health and life safety.

As a professional Tibet tour operator, Tibet Tour would sincerely remind tourists that the solemn Tibetan Shoton Festival and Damgxung Horse Racing Festival will be celebrated in early August. And the number of visitors coming to Tibet will increase rapidly with the coming of the August. Generally, the price of the group tours in July and August would be relatively higher compared to those in the shoulder season. The hotels in Lhasa are always over booking in the high season. It is always a good choice to confirm your trip itinerary and relevant standards, so Tibet Tour has enough time to help to reserve the hotel and vehicle.

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