Shannan Tour – Tips of Visiting Yumbu Lakhang
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Shannan Tour – Tips of Visiting Yumbu Lakhang

Update: Dec. 7th, 2012

Yumbu Lakhang

Shannan Tour – Brief Introduction of Yumbu Lakhang

Yumbu Lakhang is about 5 kilometers away from southeast of Naidong County. It is located on the east bank of Yarlong River, the mountain top of Tashiciri Mountain. It is said that the shape of mountain looks like the hind leg of doe. The monastery was built on the hind leg, hence the name "Yumbu Lakhang" ("Yumbu" means doe, "la" means hind leg, and "Khang" means palace). Although scale of monastery is small, it looks very grand because towers up on the mountain top.

Yumbu Lakhang has over 2100 years' history. It is the first palace in Tibetan history and one of the earliest architecture of Tibet. Songtsen Ganpo moved the capital to Lhasa after unified the plateau. The Yumbu Lakhang became the imperial palace of past Zanpu. Hence, it is also one of the main marks of birthplace of Tibetan culture in Yarlong region.

Shannan Tour – Transportation to Yumbu Lakhang

Yumbu Lakhang is about 12 kilometers away from Tsedang Town. There are several ways available to Yumbu Lakhang. You can take mini bus from Tsedang Town to Yumbu Lakhang in your Shannan tour. The price of bus ticket is 2 CNY per person. In addition, there are many taxies running between Tsedang Town and Yumbu Lakhang. The cost of round trip is about 60 CNY. Of course, if you have enough time ad energy in your Shannan tour, riding bike is also a good choice since the road from Tsedang to Yumbu Lakhang is cement concrete pavement.

If you want to charter car to Yumbu Lakhang in your Shannan tour, you are suggest to make an agreement with the driver how long will you stay at Yumbu Lakhang in advance to avoid unnecessary trouble for staying too long at Yumbu Lakhang. In general, it is enough to enjoy the Yumbu Lakhang for one hour for travelers who do not like taking photos. No matter which kind of vehicle you take to Yumbu Lakhang, you need to climb up the mountain by yourself. If you do not want to climb the mountain, you can rent horse at the mountain foot. The rental of horse is 10 CNY per person.

Shannan Tour – Entrance Ticket and Opening Time of Yumbu Lakhnag

The price of entrance ticket of Yumbu Lakhang is 30 CNY per person. The opening time of Yumbu Lakhang is from 9:00 to 18:00.

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