Tips for Shoton Festival Tour in 2014
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Tips for Shoton Festival Tour in 2014

Update: Aug. 15th, 2014

Shoton Festival

To explore the local folk customs in Tibet, a large number of visitors would like to visit Tibet during the celebration of the Shoton Festival. As an experienced Tibet tour operator based in Lhasa, Tibet Tour would like to provide some tips for tourists planning a Shoton Festival tour in 2014.

Tips for Shoton Festival Tour in 2014 - Origin of Shoton Festival

The celebration of Shoton Festival could be dated back to middle 11th century. It was just a pure religion festival at the very first. It is said that there were over 300 disciplines in Buddhism and killing live stocks is strictly forbidden for the disciples in the monasteries. All plants and animals recovers in the warm summer and the lamas in the monasteries might kill the insects in the grass inevitably between April and June according to the Tibetan calendar every year. To avoid violet the killing discipline, the lamas would stay indoor and would not go outdoor until the end of June. The lamas would be entertained with yoghurt and Tibetan opera performance when they can go out. This is the origin of Shoton Festival.

Tips for Shoton Festival Tour in 2014 - Celebration of Shoton Festival

The annual Shoton Festival would be celebrated in rarly July according to the Tibetan calendar. Shoton means "eating yoghurt" in Tibetan. Solemn Tibetan opera performance and grand Buddha ehibition ceremony would be held in Lhasa. Therefore, Shoton Festival is also noted as Tibetan Opera Festival and Buddha Exhibition Festival among local Tibetans. Generally, the grand Buddha exhibition ceremony held in Drepung Monastery symbolizes the starting of the Shoton Festival celebration. Visitors could not only enjoy the wonderful Tibetan opera performance in Norbu Lingka, but also enjoy the yak racing and horsemanship display.

Tips for Shoton Festival Tour in 2014 - Shoton Festival in History

The celebration of the Shoton Festival in 2013 was started on August 8th. A grand Buddha exhibition ceremony was held in Drepung Monastery as usual. Thousands of pilgrims from different corners of the world rush to Drepung Monastery to worship the Buddha on that morning.

The number of visitors in Lhasa during the Shoton Festival is always larger than the other periods. The tourism resources in Lhasa would be in larger demand than ever. Except for the hotels, the price of the vehicles would also be higher in this period. What should be noted is that there is strict restriction in the number of visitors in Potala Palace in the high season. It is difficult to get an admission ticket of Potala Palace if you don't book it in advance. Tourists making a self-help tour during the Shoton Festival could try to book the entranc ticket of Potala Palace on the official website in advance. While booking the tickets, valid ID card is required.

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