Mt.Kailash Tour – Importance of Good Mindset in Tibet
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Mt.Kailash Tour – Importance of Good Mindset in Tibet

Update: Oct. 28th, 2012

Gorgeous Tibet

Generally, tourists might have various degrees of high altitude sickness on Tibet Plateau. Keeping a good mindset in Tibet has been widely accepted as the most effective way to prevent or relieve the high altitude sickness. It is reported that a series of high altitude sickness symptoms are closely related to the psychological effect, such as be scared of plateau, lack of mental preparation or the determination of overcome the plateau. Tourists making a Mt.Kailash tour are more likely to attacked by high altitude sickness if you worried more.

Mt.Kailash Tour – Good Mindset Helps to Prevent and Relieve the High Altitude Sickness

Human beings might have different symptoms of altitude sickness after you reach an elevation of more than 3000 meters. Dizziness, chest tightness and shortness of breath are the most common symptoms of high altitude sickness. Those common symptoms will follow you in the first period you arrive in Tibet and will disappear gradually after you are getting adapted to the high plateau environment.

The altitude sickness symptoms caused by the dry air and low oxygen content will get relieved if you are getting adapted to the high plateau gradually. Tourists making a Mt.Kailash tour should realize that suffering certain symptoms doesn't mean that you can't get accustomed to the high plateau. Mostly, the slight symptoms will disappear or get better between 2 to 4 days. The altitude sickness symptoms might attack you in 12 to 14 hours if you enter into Tibet by air. Violate activities should be banned while good rest should be ensured during your earlier period on Tibet Plateau.

Mt.Kailash Tour – Tips for the Prevention of High Altitude Sickness

The prevention of high altitude sickness is of great significance for the health of tourists planning a Mt,Kailash tour. The possible high altitude sickness might threaten the life of tourists from the plain. Tibet Tour strongly recommends tourists to collect some useful tips for the prevention of high altitude sickness while planning this trip. A comprehensive physical examination is quite necessary.

Tourists suffering a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory insufficiency diseases, organic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, stomach and intestine disease and other severe chronic diseases are not suitable to go to Tibet Plateau. Tourists could also take a low oxygen test if you are not so sure about your adaptability to the high altitude environment. Tourists planning a Mt.Kailash tour are strongly suggested to take care of your health before go to Tibet. Common medicines effective in the prevention of high altitude sickness should be took in advance so as to improve your adaptability.

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