Aliens' Travel Permit
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Aliens' Travel Permit

Update: Aug. 31st, 2012

Aliens’ Travel Permit

Aliens' Travel Permit, one required document of Tibet Travel Permit, is a formality for the foreign tourists who would like to visit to the regions or sites that are not opened to foreigners so far. Appliers should provide your valid formalities and accurate information, including certifications of your travel reason. The longest valid period of foreign Aliens' Travel Permit is one year. If you want to extend the valid period and the closed sites, you should apply for extension from the Public Security Bureau.

In Tibet Autonomous Region, there are many towns and counties are not opened to foreign tourists so far. Some of the noted monasteries with profound Tibetan Buddhism culture and natural scenic spots with amazing natural landscapes are located in these regions. If you plan to make a visit to these closed places, you must apply for the Aliens' Travel Permit from the Public Security Bureau.

Generally, tourists should apply for the Aliens' Travel Permit once you arrive in Lhasa. Our travel agency will help you to deal with the permit before entering Tibet. What you need to do is to provide us your real and accurate information. Then we will submit your application information to the Foreign Affairs Section of Public Security Bureau. If you are an individual traveler, you need to join the local tour groups so as to get the Aliens' Travel Permit for the "closed" areas.

The following places are listed as the "closed" areas in Tibet Autonomous Region:

Qamdo Prefecture: Qamdo, Tengchen, Riwoche, etc.

Nyingchi Prefecture: Baksumtso Lake, Bomi, Ranwu Lake, etc.

Shigatse Prefecture: Mt. Everest, Rongbuk Monastery, Sakya Monastery, Palkhor Monastery, Zham Town, etc.

Shannan Prefecture: Tsedang, Samye Monastery, Tombs of Tibetan Kings, Yumbu Lakhang, Trundruk Monastery, etc.

Ngari Prefecture: Lake Manasarovar (Mapam Yumco), Rutog, etc.

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