Tibet Train Tours – Holy Lakes in Tibet
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Tibet Train Tours – Holy Lakes in Tibet

Update: Nov. 1st, 2012

Tibet Train Tours – Holy Lakes in Tibet

There are hundreds if lakes with various sizes in Tibet. These lakes are of picturesque natural landscapes of lakes and mountains. The holy lakes, including Lake Namtso, Yamdrok Yumtso, Lake Baksumtso and Mapam Yumtso attracted a large quantity of tourists. Make a visit to one of those holy lakes has been the same wish for tourists join the Tibet train tours.

Tibet Train Tours – Lake Namtso

Lake Namtso is the highest lake above the sea level with an altitude of 4718 meters. At late 20th century, numerous eminent Buddhists practiced and studied the Buddhism at Lake Namtso. Tourists who join the Tibet Train Tours might see numerous devout religious followers when you arrive in Lake Namtso. Local people hold that make a kora around Lake Namtso to pray for happiness in the year of the Sheep according to the Tibetan calendar would be much more effective.

Tibet Train Tours – Yamdrok Yumtso

Yamdrok Lake is said to be the most beautiful lake in the world. Take a bird view of Yamdrok Lake, tourists enter into Tibet by joining the Tibet train tours would find that it looks like an eardrop inlaid in the ear of the mountains. Tibetans would hold special ceremonies at Yamdrok Lake to find the reincarnation of Dalai Lama after he passed away. The lake would indicate the right direction of the location of the reincarnation.

Tibet Train Tours – Lake Mapam Yumtso

Mapam Yumtso is highly respected by the followers of Buddhism, Hinduism and Bon. Numerous pilgrimages would make a circumambulation around the lake for. There are three campsites around Mapum Yumtso. Tourists make a trekking here could enjoy the rare visited place with amazing natural landscapes. It should be noted that the natural condition here is pretty rough, tourists make a Tibet train tour are advised to do a good preparation before make your way to Mapam Yumtso.

Tibet Train Tours - Lake Baksumtso

Lake Baksumtso is a holy lake which is highly respected by the followers of Nyingma Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It has been one of the must-go scenic spots in Nyingchi Prefecture. The water in Lake Baksumtso is pretty clean and reflected the shadows of the surround snow-capped mountains. Make a visit here, tourists join the Tibet train tours could also witness numerous wild birds on the islands in the lake.

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