Tibet-Qinghai Train Tour
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Tibet-Qinghai Train Tour

Update: Aug. 16th, 2012

Snow-capped Mountains and Prayer Flags

Xining, the capital city of Qinghai Province is said to be the best place for tourists to get adapted to the plateau environment before enter into Tibet. There are a large number of tourists both at home and abroad would like to take Xining as the entrance city of their Tibet tour. Most of the tourists choose to take the Tibet train tour package from Xining by train so as to appreciate the fascinating scenery along Qinghai-Tibet Railway. As an experienced Tibet tour operator, Tibet Tour explored Tibet-Qinghai train tour for tourists enter into Tibet by air but willing to have an experience on the plateau train.

Tibet-Qinghai Train Tour – Must-visiting Spots in Tibet

Tibet is quite noted for its amazing natural landscapes and rich cultural relics. Tourists planning to make a Tibet-Qinghai Train Tour could choose to fly to Lhasa or Nyingchi from other domestic cities, such as Guangzhou, Chongqing, Chendu, Beijing or Shanghai. Tibet Tour provides various cultural and natural tour routes for tourists' reference. Most of our tour packages integrated both the natural and cultural highlights on Tibet Plateau. In addition, we also explored several adventure tours and trekking tours for tourists willing to enjoy the charm of the wild.

Tourists interested in the culture and history of Tibet could visit various cultural relics in Tibet, such as Potala Palace and Norbu Lingka in Lhasa City. Tourists planning to make a Tibet-Qinghai train tour could also visit a series of monasteries to explore the Tibetan Buddhism culture, such as Jokhang Temple, Ganden Monastery, Sakya Monastery and Trundruk Monastery. Besides, the famous Namtso Lake, Yamdrok Yumtso, Baksumtso Lake and Mt. Everest would present you the most gorgeous natural landscapes of lakes and mountains.

Tibet-Qinghai Train Tour – Tourism Highlights in Qinghai

Among all the tourism highlights in Qinghai, Taer Monastery is the most noted cultural relics and Qinghai Lake is the most noted natural spots. Tourists planning to take a Tibet-Qinghai train tour are highly advised to make a visit to Qinghai Lake to explore the picturesque natural landscapes of lake which is differ to the lakes in Tibet. It should be noted that the rape flowers by Qinghai Lake enjoys high reputation among tourists both at home and abroad. It is sad that the period between July and August is the best season to visit Qinghai Lake.

Taer Monastery is one of the six great monasteries of Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism with n history of more than 600 years. It is well proportioned and looks very magnificent. It collected numerous historical and cultural relics, including some Tibetan Buddhism scriptures and murals which recorded the culture and history of Tibetan Buddhism.

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