Tibet Train Tours in Summer
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Tibet Train Tours in Summer

Update: Nov. 1st, 2012

Colorful Camps and Prayer Flags by the Holy Lak

Tibet has been widely regarded as one of the best summer resorts in China for its nice weather in summer. To enjoy the amazing natural scenery along Qinghai-Tibet Railway and cut the transportation cost, some of the tourists prefer to take the Tibet train tours in summer. This article provides information about the weather in Tibet in summer, as well as some notes for tourists planning to make choice among the Tibet train tours in summer.

Tibet Train Tours in Summer – Weather in Summer on Tibet Plateau

Summer is the best tourism season of Tibet. It is always very cool on Tibet Plateau while most of the other regions in China are suffering suffocating hot. It is always sunny during the day and would rain in the night. Tourists could enjoy the amazing natural landscapes which could hardly be seen in the other corners of the world under a good weather. Tourists join the Tibet train tours in summer would find that the average temperature in Tibet is only about 20? and it is said that the oxygen content in the air is relatively higher compared to that in winter.

As an experienced Tibet tour operator, Tibet Tour explored various Tibet Train Tours for tourists' reference. Our Historical and cultural tour packages offer tourists the chance to explore the long history and mysterious culture of Tibet. Our trekking tour packages provide tourists the chance to take some trekking or adventure activities in the natural wild on Tibet Plateau. Besides, Tibet Tour also provides special festival tour packages for tourists planning to join the Tibet train tours in summer to experience the local festival atmosphere and explore the local traditions and customs.

Tibet Train Tours in Summer – Notes

Tourists willing to make choice among the Tibet train tours in summer should note that the Tibet train tours are only available in several domestic cities, such as Guangzhoi, Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xi'an, Lanzhou and Xining. The direct trains between Lhasa and the above cities have been opened. Overseas tourists could choose to fly to one of these cities first and then enter into Lhasa from the city by train.

It should also be noted that the train tickets to Lhasa are always in short supply in summer, especially during Shoton Festival. Tourists planning to join the Tibet train tours in summer are kindly suggested to confirm the reservation as early as possible so as to leave us enough time to book the tickets for you in advance.

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