Tibet Travel Diary - Tibetan Food, Restaurant
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Tibet Travel Diary - Tibetan Food, Restaurant

Update: Aug. 6th, 2014
Well, after a good rest in our hotel, we got up early on our first day in Lhasa. It was about 9:00. But you know what? There were actually very few restaurants opened. It seems we got up too early! Finally we found a restaurant to have our first breakfast and they told us that people here are living a slowly life. They like it. I think I can understand. So, it you plan to have a Tibet tour and you are not possible to catch the breakfast of hotel's, it is better for you to get up later, after 09:30. 

Then, we decided to taste Nepalese food at Barkhor Street. I forgot the name of the restaurant but it is not far from Markey-Ame. To be honest, we don't like it at all. And it was a little expenesive. It cost us about RMB 200. After lunch, we went to Markey-Ame and enjoyed it very much. There were lots of tourists like us, Chinese, Indians, Americans, English, Germans. I don't know them, but we had a very pleasant talk. Someone told us, it was fantastic to meet someone in this highest land of the world and we may never meet again in lifetime. We all should appreciate. We found a notebook and wrote some words, some words that we never told somebody else. Will you find mine? My name is Jessie.

I am not sure if you know the romantic story of Markey-Ame's, but you can find the story on this website. I don't like it because it is a bad ending. It is not easy to find someone right in this world, and love each other. Why they could not hug and stay one more moment? Why should they be blamed by someone else, even though the man is the 6th Lama. His name is Tsangyang Gyatso. 

The night was coming very late in Lhasa and the sunshine was still shinning and shinning at 20:00. We spend some time at Barkhor Street. The stuffs are so beautiful and cheap. But one of the local Tibetans told us, most of the stuffs are not true. Be careful!
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