Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse
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Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse

Update: Aug. 1st, 2014

Shigatse view

Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse - Tashilhunpo Monastery

Tashilhunpo Monastery was constructed by the disciple of Master Tsongkhapa in 1447. It is one of the six great monasteries of Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Also, it is quite noted as the residence of Panchen Lamas. Tahilhunpo Monastery is located in west Shigatse City, and tourists stay in Shigatse could get there from the down town by walking. The price of the admission ticket of Tashilhunpo Monastery is CNY80 per person. It will be opened beyween 9:00a.m. and 17:00p.m.

Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse - Mt. Everest Base Camp

Mt. Everest Base Camp is about 10 hours driving away from Shigatse. With an altitude of 8844.43 meters, Mt. Everest is the highest peak above the sea level. Except for Mt. Everest, there are a series of high mountains with an altitude over 7000 meters. Mt. Everest Base Camp has been a must-visit site for tourists be enthusiastic in nature and adventure. The price of the admission ticket of Mt. Everest Natural Reserve is CNY180 per person and the vehicles entering into the natural reserve are required to pay CNY400-600 per vehicle for the protection of the natural environment.

Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse - Sakya Monastery

The famous Sakya Monastery is located in Sakya County in Shigatse Prefecture. It is a monastery enjoys important status in the mind of the followers of the SakyA Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. A large number of pilgrims would go to Sakya Monastery for worshipping on the important religious days. As one of the most ancient monasteries on Tibet Plateau, Sakya Monastery is also quite noted for its exquisite sculpture relics.

Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse - Palkhor Monastery

Palkhor Monastery in Gyantse County in Shigatse was constructed in 1418. This ancient monastery collects the historical relics of different sects of Tibetan Buddhism. The followers of each sects coexist with each other harmoniously. Besides, visitors in Gyantse could also pay a visit to the Zongshan Ancient Castle which witness the history of the ancient county.

Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse - Sharlu Monastery

Sharlu Monastery is about 30 kilometers away from Shigatse City. It is recorded that this ancient monastery was constructed in 1087. It experienced several ups and downs in history, and it was reconstructed in 1333. Most tourists don't know Sharlu Monastery except for the vistors learned a lot of Tibetan Buddhism.

Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse - Peigu Lake

Except for the historical relics, Shigatse is also noted for its beautiful lakes. Covers a total area around 300 square kilometers, Peigu Lake is about 40 kilometers away from the world famous Mt. Shishapangma. The snow-capped mountains and breathtaking grassland around the lake make it looks even more beautiful in the summer season.

Classic Scenic Spots in Shigatse - Zhangmu Port

Tourists planning a Nepal tour after Tibet tour could also spend some time at Zhangmu Port, a small town on the China-Nepal border. There are many small stores sailing different types of decorations. Some interesting Tibetan style and Nepal style items would also be available there.

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