Tibet Budget Tour from Nepal – Most Challenging Trekking Routes in Nepal
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Tibet Budget Tour from Nepal – Most Challenging Trekking Routes in Nepal

Update: Sep. 25th, 2012

Lamtang Region in Nepal

Tibet Tour would like to introduce the most challenging trekking routes in Nepal for tourists planning a Tibet budget tour from Nepal and interested in challenging adventure or trekking tours.

Most Challenging Trekking Routes in Nepal – Helambn – Gosainkuda Lake – Lelambu Peak

Helambn, Gosainkuda Lake and Lelambu Peak are located on Lamtang Plateau, which is situated at northern Kathmandu. Tourists planning a Tibet budget tour from Nepal and choose to trek along Helambn - Gosainkuda Lake - Lelambu Peak could enjoy the pleasant climate and magnificent landscape of Helambn Valley, which next to Gosainkuda Lake with an altitude of 4380 meters. The picturesque natural landscape here enjoys high reputation among trekkers who've been here. Besides, there are also other famous lakes not far away from here, including the Saraswady Lake, Berawa Lake and Suria Lake. Tourists will witness the suddenly enlightened snow-capped peaks, glaciers and endless prairie after you trek across the dense primitive forests.

Tourists making a Tibet budget tour from Nepal and trekking along this route could not only appreciate the fascinating natural landscapes but also experience the local culture of Sherpas. It would be an interesting experience to explore the lifestyle of the small number of people living in such a remote area which is really far away from the modern society. Though there is an increasing number of tourists would like to choose this challenging trekking route in Nepal, the service facilities here are quite less and insufficient. Tourists are highly advised to make a good preparation in advance and professional trekking experiences are needed.

Most Challenging Trekking Routes in Nepal – Trekking at Manaslu Peak

Manaslu Peak enjoys an elevation of 8156 meters. Trekking at Manaslu Peak was banned for a pretty long time and was opened to professional trekkers recently. Tourists join a Tibet budget tour from Nepal and choose to trek at Manaslu Peak could witness the unexplored primitive forests, canyons and tribes, as well as the breathtaking snow landscape.

So far, tourists willing to trek at Manaslu Region are required to make a special payment for the consideration of the primitive environment protection. Formal approval from the government is also required and you will be under the supervision of the tourism and environment departments in Nepal all the journey.

Most Challenging Trekking Routes in Nepal – Trekking at Mustang

Mustang Region is praised as Shangri-la in Nepal. It is about 100 kilometers away from Annapurna Peak. It was closed for a pretty long time and preserves the original landscape of the southern foot of Himalayas. Tourists trekking at Mustang Valley would have the chance to witness the red cliffs and the cave dwellers. Some of the Tibetans also inhabited here and form a special Tibetan culture.

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