FAQ of Traveling from Singapore to Tibet
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FAQ of Traveling from Singapore to Tibet

Update: Nov. 6th, 2012

Hilarious Tibetan Opera Performance

Tourists planning a Tibet tour always have many concerns before the trip, among which the possible altitude sickness might be the biggest concern for most of the tourists. As an experienced Tibet tour operator, Tibet Tour collected several frequently asked questions related to altitude sickness and provide answers for tourists planning to travel from Singapore to Tibet.

What is altitude sickness?

Altitude sickness is a kind of natural physiological reaction happened when people reached a place with an altitude of more than 2700 meters. People have to get adapted to the different atmosphere pressure and low oxygen content in the dry air caused by the suddenly altitude change. Headache, breathlessness, choking sensation in the chest, anorexia and lacking in strength are the common symptoms of altitude sickness.

How to prevent or relieve altitude sickness?

Tourists planning to travel from Singapore to Tibet should realize that most of the tourists would be attacked by different degrees of altitude sickness. Keep a good and positive mood would be the best way to prevent or relieve the altitude sickness since there are a lot of symptoms of the altitude sickness are caused by psychological anxiety and fear. Rhodiola rosea, American ginseng and some other commonly used medicines which are effective in treating the altitude sickness would also help you to prevent or relieve the altitude sickness. Generally, the symptoms of the altitude sickness would disappear in 1-3 days for tourists have a good adaptability.

What should I do if I caught an altitude sickness?

Tourists planning to make a Tibet tour from Singapore don't need to be over worried about the possible altitude sickness since there are experienced doctors in the cities and towns on Tibet Plateau. Tourists catch a slight altitude sickness are highly suggested to defeat it by your self adjusting while tourists get a severe altitude sickness should go to see the doctor for professional advice as soon as possible. If you are attacked by symptoms like edema, pulmonary edema, severe cold and other worse symptoms, you should leave the plateau as soon as possible. All the symptoms would disappear once you back to the plain.

What kind of tourists is not suitable to go to Tibet?

There is no special request for tourists planning a Tibet tour except for keeping a good mood. Tourists willing to travel from Singapore to Tibet should note that you are not suitable to go to Tibet if you caught severe hypertension, heart diseases, tracheitis, diabetes mellitus and some other bad diseases.

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