Namseling Manor
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Namseling Manor

Update: Dec. 22nd, 2011

Namseling Manor

Namseling Manor is located in Chanang County, Shannan Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region. It was constructed in Chinese Ming Dynasty. It is the most famous manor of the serf-owner and one of the most ancient architectures in Tibet. It has been listed as a cultural relic under state protection in 2001.

Namseling Manor - Architecture

Namseling Manor is composed of several parts, including the double-enclosing wall, the revetment moat, the main building, the barn, chapels, storages, shrines and garden. Most of the buildings in Namseling Manor were well preserved 1959. Large area of the main building in the manor collapsed after 1980, and only the walls still standing there.

The main building in Namseling Manor was a seven-story building. It is one of the existing oldest high-rise buildings in Tibet. It looked elegant and totally different with the architectural style of the monasteries in Tibet (most of the monasteries in Tibet are characterized by dignified).

Namseling Manor - Value

Namseling Manor is a typical manor constructed during the early Tibetan serf system period. It is of great value in history, architecture and art. It is typical both in its large scale and long existence. It provides material for the research of the form, development and the architectural art of early Tibet.

Namseling Manor is a miniature of the Tibetan feudal serf system society. The constructions in the manor reflect the intelligence of Tibetan people in architectural art. Namseling Manor has been one of the most attractive scenic spot in Yarlung Scenic Area.

Namseling Manor belonged to a feudal serf owner in Chanang County. There were several outstanding people in Namseling Family, and they got great achievements in different fields in Tibet. Hence, the research of Namseling Family and Namseling Manor is of great historical significance.

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