Baksumtso Lake
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Baksumtso Lake

Update: Jan. 11th, 2013

Baksumtso Lake

Baksumtso Lake is located in Gongbogyamda County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet. It was also named Tsoggo Lake. Baksum means green water in Tibetan. It is a famous sacred lake and holy place of the Nyingma Buddhism. It was listed as a state-level scenic spot in 1994.

Baksumtso Lake – Brief Introduction

Baksumtso Lake is one of the largest barrier lakes in eastern Tibet. It shapes like a new moon inlaid among the high mountains and deep canyons. It is a lake with an altitude of over 3700 meters and covers an area of 28 square kilometers.

The water in Baksumtso Lake is pretty clean and reflected the shadows of the surround snow-capped mountains. Numerous wild birds inhabit at the islands in the lake or its lakeshore, including the white cranes, yellow ducks and sandpipers.

Baksumtso Lake was also on the list of "the scenic spot in the world". It was approved as an AAAA-class scenic spot in 2000 and awarded as a national forest park by the Ministry of Forestry in 2001.

Baksumtso Lake – Attractions

Baksumtso Lake Scenic Area collected snow-capped mountains, clean lakes, dense forests, cultural relics and ancient monasteries. It presents distinctive and particular landscapes in different seasons. It is also rich in rare and precious wild animals and plants. Tourists praised it as a heaven on earth.

Though Baksumtso Lake is located in the faraway mountain valley and has a poor transportation condition. It attracted tourists here for its amazing landscapes of lake and mountains. It is one of the most famous scenic spots in Nyingchi Prefecture.

Natural Park

Be different with other sacred lakes in Tibet, Baksumtso Lake is completely surrounded by mountains covered with dense primitive forests. Just as its name, the water in the lake is green as a pure jade. Tourists could even see fishes two or three meters under the water. The tops of the green mountains are covered with perpetual snow. The landscape composed of the mountains and the reflection of the mountains in the lake is really amazing and impressing.

Tashi Island

Tashi Island is in the center of Baksumtso Lake. Tourists could reach the island by boat. There is an ancient monastery on the island with a history of 1500 years. It is a monastery of Nyingma Buddhism. The numerous flying religious flags add more charm to the island. Statue of Master Padmasambhava is enshrined in the monastery. The mysterious legends and historical relics, such as the ancient water burial platform made the island more attractive.

Gyepa Village

Gyepa Village is noted for its simple and primitive culture. People in Gongbogyamda County were called Gongbo people (means people live in kar in Tibetan) by the left Tibetans. They have their own dresses, particular architectures, special festivals and even different language. Tourists here would be touched by their simple smile and warm reception.

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