8 Days Tibet Tour to Mt. Everest
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8 Days Tibet Tour to Mt. Everest

Update: Nov. 13th, 2012


For most travelers, the Mt. Everest may be the highlight in Tibet tour which should not miss. Hence, the route from Lhasa to Mt. Everest is very popular among foreign visitors. Now, let's go on the 8 days Tibet tour to explore the mysterious Tibet, feel and grand momentum of the highest mountain in the world – Mt. Everest.

8 Days Tibet Tour to Mt. Everest – Transportation

From Lhasa to Mt. Everest, we can go the route of Lhasa – Langkazi – Karo-la Glacier – Gyantse – Shigatse – New Tingri – Mt Everest Base Camp. On the way to Mt. Everest, we can enjoy the amazing scenery of Yamdrok Lake, Karo-la Glacier and Palkhor Monastery in Gyantse. On the way back to Lhasa, we can enjoy beautiful natural scenery of the Yarlung Zanpo River Valley.

8 Days Tibet Tour to Mt. Everest – Accommodation

About accommodation at Mt. Everest, travelers can choose staying in the hotels in New Tingri, or the tent areas which four kilometers away from the Mt. Everest Base Camp. Travelers who worry about high altitude sickness are suggested to stay in New Tingri, where altitude is lower, and the condition of hotels is better than the tent area. It will be more convenience to see sunrise at the Mt. Everest if stay in the tent area. Travelers who want to walk to see sunrise are suggested to take headlight or flashlight. It will spend an hour to walk to base camp from tent area. There are horse and carts available, which need 50 RMB. Travelers who do not want to live in the tent can stay in the guest house at Rougbuk Monastery, 25 RMB for each bed.

8 Days Tibet Tour to Mt. Everest – Clothes

Due to the temperature different in daytime and at night is very obvious and the weather is changeable, please take more clothes for preparation. Even in summer, the temperature at night in high altitude areas is also very cold, down coat is necessary. Because to road to Mt. Everest Base Camp is earth road, with heavy dust and sand, please prepare a mouth-muffle.

8 Days Tibet Tour to Mt. Everest – High Altitude Sickness

Due to the altitude of Mt. Everest Base Camp is 5200 meters and the way to Mt. Everest will cross over two mountain pass which are over 5000 meters high, travelers may appear different degree high altitude sickness. Please have some rhodiola or some medicine for resisting tiredness on high plateau, take good rest and avoid drinking alcohol or doing strenuous exercise.

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