Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet
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Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet

Update: Feb. 21st, 2013

Zay Natural Reserve

Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet is located at southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It was established in 1985 and was divided into three main regions for the protection of different precious natural recourses. There are hundreds of takins in Cibagou Region, numerous precious commercial tree species and medicinal plants in Lhamu-nongba, and there is developed herb layer in the Gyongdong-Shidruk Region. As a professional Tibet tour operator, Tibet Tour would like to provide some information regarding the Zay Natural Reserve for tourists especially interested in the precious natural resources on Tibet Plateau.

Natural Environment of Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet

Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet has an altitude of 1500-3000 meters. Mountains and valleys are the main landscape in this reserve. It enjoys a warm and humid climate under the influence of the southwest monsoon of the Indian Ocean. The average temperature is 11-15 Celsius which is much higher than the other regions on Tibet Plateau. The annual precipitation at Zay Natural Reserve reaches 700-1000 millimeters.

Zay Natural Reserve covers a total area of 101,400 hectares. It is mainly established to protect the forest ecological system and genetic resources of the seeds of trees. Located in Nyingchi Prefecture in Tibet (which is noted as the Switzerland in Tibet), Zay Natural Reserve enjoys a warm and humid climate. It is rich in plant species and has a relatively complete forest ecological system. It provides a better environment and protection for the subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest and the rare wild animal species in this region.

The entire Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet is uninhabited and the primitive forest landscape is pretty complete. Some precious and rare wild animals lives in this reserve freely, such as the Bengal tiger, bear, leopard, psittacula alexandri, boa and so on. It is reported that the number of the rare wild animals living in this region greatly increased after the establishment of the Zay Natural Reserve for hunting from human beings is completely eradicated.

Natural Resources in Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet

Cibagou Region of Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet is about 45 kilometers away from Zay County Seat. The subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest and numerous rare wild animals are the main protection object in this region. According to statistics, there are around 1000 vascular plant species and numerous angiosperms and relic plants. In addition, there is also a series of economic trees and medicinal plants, such as the cinnamon, gastrodia elata, cordyceps and so on. Some key national protected animals and birds also inhabit in this region, including the long-tail presbytis phayrei, clouded leopard, snow leopard, brown bear, golden pheasant, and blood pheasant and so on.

The plants and forest in Lhamu-nongba Region of Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet are in a primitive state without any destruction. It is researched that there are more than 1000 species of higher plant. Some precious medicinal plants are growing in the forest, such as the schisandra chinensis, gastrodia elata and coptis chinensis. Pinewood is the main protection object in the Gyongdong-Shidruk Region in Zay Natural Reserve in Tibet. The fern species is also well developed in this region and the coverage rate of ferns in this region even reaches 50 percent.

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