Maquan River
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Maquan River

Update: Jan. 6th, 2013

Maquan River

During Tibet tour to Mapam Yumco (Lake Manasarovar) and Mount Kailash, we have a chance to view the origination of Yarlung Zangbo River - Maquan River. Maquan River is named from the shape of the jet flow of a horse.

Maquan River - Brief Introduction

In Tibetan language, Maquan River is called Dangque Kaba. It originally flows from the southeast of Mount Kailash, which the part flowing through Zhongba County is called Mazang River, the part flowing through Saga County is called Yarlung Zangbo River. There are some important historical castles of ancient Xiangxong Kingdom in Maquan River Basin, which show a mysterious age-old culture of Tibet Region.

As the headstream of Yarlung Zangbo River, Maquan River was so important for the origination of Xiangxiong civilianization and the development of other Tibetan culture that it still attracts lots of scientists to investigate and research.

Maquan River - Geography

Flowing over the average elevation of 5200 meters high, Maquan River flows gently and breeds large numbers of water bird on both sides. It flows through Himalaya Mountain Range in south and Mount Kailash in north with a vast valley area, which the valley usually covers 10-30 kilometers. Therefore Maquan River Basin is also regarded as the most fertile pasture in winter and spring. On the other hand, Maquan River basin in Zhongba County is characteristic of swamp geography.

Maquan River - Ecological Feature

Maquan River is actually the branch of Yarlung Zangbo River. It respectively faces Mount Kailash in north and Himalaya Mountain Range in south. The melled glacier water of both sides forms a lot of lakes in the middle part of the valley plain and finally flows into Maquan River. Some of the lakes changed into the swamp which supplied by the melt glacier water and river water.

Maquan River - Legend

The legend is said that Mount Kailash has four kids, Yarlung Zangbo River (Maquan River), Lion Spring River, Shangquan River, and Peacock River. The kids left home and made an appointment each other to gather in Indian Ocean. Yarlung Zangbo River was cheated by a little sparrow hawk that other brothers and sister had already arrived in Indian Ocean. He was hurry to run to meet them from Namjagbrawa Peak and flowed through many steep mountains and cliffs, which the trace has finally formed the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon.

Maquan River - Attraction and Highlights

Mapam Yumco (Lake Manasarovar)

Mapam Yumco (Lake Manasarovar) is the most holy lake regarded by Buddhism followers in Tibet. It is located in Pulan County, approximately more than 200 kilometers away from Lion Spring Town. Mapam Yumco (Lake Manasarovar) is called "the Mother of the Rivers of the World" on Buddhism scripture. A lot of devout believers and tourists come here from every corner of the world every year, which some of them would like to spend a whole year creeping on the way. Their belief and themselves are highly respected by people. Believers will use the holy water to clean their body and then walk around the holy lake as a circle.

Mount Kailash

It is 6714 meters high and features the shape of olive. The peak top looks like a colorful round crown surrounded by lotus and fling to the sky. Mount Kailash literally means "the King of Holy Mountains" in Tibetan language.

It is said that people's sins and evils will be cleansed if they circumambulate around the Holy Mt. Kailash. It is regarded as a great honor to be arrival in Mt. Kailash in lifetime for Tibetan people.


Numerous explorers have been come to this mysterious land - Ngari, the origination of attractive Tibetan history. It is hard to say you have been to Tibet and get to know her without Ngari experience.

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