What to Pack - The Medicine
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What to Pack - The Medicine

Update: Dec. 28th, 2011

Tibet Medicine

Due to protect you well and prevent any incidents as much as possible, the adequate medicines are useful in some cases. You can take an appropriate supply of any prescription medication you use regularly, including medicine for cold, headache, and stomachache, and insect bite, diarrhea and so on.

There are some Chinese medicine and Western medicine offered as following. You can choose some as you like.

The Medicine – Necessary Stuff

Aspirin or paracetamol

Headache medicine

Stomachache medicine


Other commonly used tablets



Other medicines that your local people mentioned for you


Cold and flu tablets



Rhodiola rosea

American ginseng

Chinese caterpillar fungus


Antiemetic drugs


Antifungal cream or powder

Antiseptic, such as povidone-iodine?

Syringes and needles (Ask for your local doctor, it is useful when you need to inject in a country with medical hygiene problems)


Some medicine or something that can prevent the dizzy sickness

Digestive tablets


Essential balm, something can keep the mosquito away

Some medicine can prevent the sunstroke

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