Tibet Tour from Shangri-La – Tiger Leaping Gorge
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Tibet Tour from Shangri-La – Tiger Leaping Gorge

Update: Nov. 26th, 2012

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tibet Tour from Shangri-La – Brief Introduction of Tiger Leaping Gorge

The Tiger Leaping Gorge is located in Tiger Leaping Gorge Town, on southeast of Shangri-La County, and the juncture of Yulong Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountian. It is 105 kilometers away from the county town, and 35 kilometers away from the First Bend of Yangtze River. The Tiger Leaping Gorge can be divided into upper section, middle section and down section, with 18 hazardous rapids. The narrowest part of Tiger Leaping Gorge is only about 30 meters. The ten thousand miles long Yangtze River passes by between Yulong Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain. The surging water of Yangtze River flushes the gorge.

The Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of famous gorges in the world. The altitude is about 3900 meters. The depth of the gorge ranks first several in the world. It is famous for odd, steep and grand. The upper section of Tiger Leaping Gorge, about 9 kilometers away from Tiger Leaping Gorge Town, is the narrowest part of while gorge. The 13 meters high stone on right side of the river – Tiger Leaping Stone – towers up as a lonely peak. The surging water in the river strikes on the stone and makes out loud sound. If you have Tibet tour from Shangri-La, you should not miss the grand momentum of Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Tibet Tour from Shangri-La – Transportation to Tiger Leaping Gorge

In general, travelers only can visit the upper section of Tiger Leaping Gorge. There is no road for vehicle from upper section to middle section to down section. Travelers have to walk. Due to the wonderful natural scenery in the gorge, it also attracts numberless backpackers come.

If you want to visit the Tiger Leaping Gorge in your Tibet tour from Shangri-La, you can first take scheduled bus from Shangri-La or Lijiang to Tiger Leaping Gorge Town or Daju. Then, you can enter the Tiger Leaping Gorge from Tiger Leaping Gorge Town or Daju. Of course, you also can start from Tiger Leaping Gorge to Daju via Tiger Leaping Gorge. After reaching Daju, you can visit the Yulong Snow Mountain.

The whole journey from Shangri-La to Tiger Leaping Gorge is 96 kilometers. The cost scheduled bus is 13 CNY per person. The bus will depart in morning and afternoon.

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