4-star Hotels in Lhasa
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4-star Hotels in Lhasa

Update: Jul. 10th, 2013

Tibet Minzhu Hotel

With the rapid development of Tibet tourism, various levels of hotels are established recent years. Tourists making a Tibet tour could choose the accommodation according to your own budget. This article aims at introducing the noted 4-star hotels in Lhasa for tourists planning to pay a visit to Tibet.

4-star Hotels in Lhasa – Lhasa Hotel

Lhasa Hotel is located at the interchange of Minzu Road and Beijing Middle Road in Lhasa City. Its unique construction and magnificent appearance obtained a lot of attraction from tourists both at home and abroad. Lhasa Hotel has a history of more than 10 years. It has been the choice of a lot of visitors willing to have a good rest during their stay in Lhasa.

4-star Hotels in Lhasa – Lake Manasarovar Hotel

Lhasa Lake Manasarovar Hotel is a grand comprehensive hotel which integrated the accommodation, business, recreation, entertainment and shopping. It covers a total area of more than 160 00 square meters, among which the constructions take 140 00 square meters. The large green area ensures visitors a pleasant rest environment.

4-star Hotels in Lhasa – Tibet Hotel

Located on the Beijing Middle Road in Lhasa, Tibet Hotel is a 4-star hotel which is quite noted for its pleasant environment. The beautiful flowers and green grass around the lake (located at the center of the hotel, covers an area of more than 4000 square meters) leave tourists a pretty relaxing rest environment. Visitors here would even find that the oxygen content here is relatively higher. Tibet Hotel is the sole "natural oxygen bar" hotel in Lhasa.

4-star Hotels in Lhasa – Yarlung Zangbo Hotel

Yarlung Zangbo Hotel is the sole museum style luxury hotel in the world. Its thick cultural atmosphere attracts a large number of visitors especially interested in the Tibetan culture and history. The rich historical relics and high quality service in Yarlung Zangbo Hotel has been the largest attraction of for tourists from different corners of the world.

4-star Hotels in Lhasa – Xinding Hotel

Xinding Hotel is one of the best 4-star hotels in Lhasa. It was constructed as the 5 star standard hotels and decorated with special Tibetan style items. The splendid hall always leaves tourists deep impression. Visitors here will have the chance to see the world famous Potala Palace and the beautiful Lhasa River though the window.

4-star Hotels in Lhasa – Sunrise Hotel

Located on the Jinzhu Road in Lhasa, Sunrise Hotel enjoys high reputation among foreign tourists who've been here. Its complete service facilities and sincere service always leave tourists a good memory. There are nearly 200 deluxe rooms and suites in Sunrise Hotel. Tourists could choose the room according to your own budget.

4-star Hotels in Lhasa – Tibet Minzhu Hotel

Tibet Minzu Hotel is a 4-star hotel which is designed as the 5-star standard hotel. It not only provides lodging and accommodation for visitors, but also leaves tourists the chance to enjoy some amusement and shopping. In addition, visitors here could also appreciate some interesting Tibetan style performances.

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