Tibetan Hada Culture
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Tibetan Hada Culture

Update: Dec. 25th, 2012

Tibetan Hada culture

It is recorded that Hada was brought to Tibet by an eminent lama from Mongolia Region in Chinese Yuan Dynasty. With the wide spread and further development of Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, the Tibetan Hada culture influenced the Hada culture in Mongolia Region in the 16th century. The religious Tibetan Hada culture integrated with the Hada culture in Mongolia harmoniously since then. Currently, Hada plays important role in the greeting ceremony for both Tibetans and Mongolians.

Tibetan Hada Culture – Advocation for White

Hada is a Tibetan cultural symbol with rich cultural contents in the social interaction in Tibet. The Tibetans hold that the white best describes the human sincerity and pureness. So they would present a white Hada to their honored guests as a greeting gift since ancient times.

The advocation for white is a culture psychology rooted in the spirit of the local Tibetans. The archaeological works proved that Tibetans admire white long time ago. Tibetans glorified the white even before the Buddhism was spread to Tibet. The white presents the justice, kindness and other positive things while the black represents the demon, evil, misfortune and some other negative things in the Tibetan folk stories.

Tourists making a Tibet tour could also experience their advocation for white in their daily life. The walls of the local Tibetan style dwellings and monasteries would always be painted in white. Tibetans would also decorate their windows or furniture with white dots or lines before the celebration of the important festivals. Besides, tourists could also find some of the wine pots are decorated with a white Hada or white wool. Even the Marnie piles located at the mountain passes or by the holy lakes might be topped by a white stone.

Tibetan Hada Culture – Different Kinds of Hadas

Originally, Hada could only be presented to the Buddha. Later, the lamas in the monastery began to present it to the living Buddha and eminent lamas in the monasteries. Tourists making a Tibet tour during the Shoton Festival would find that the local Tibetans would throw the Hada to the giant Thangka with the picture of Sakyamuni devoutly. Currently, it is not only a religious gift but also the most common gift for the ordinary Tibetans.

The Hada in Tibet varies in size, color and material. In ancient Tibet, the officials are required to wear Hada according to their social ranks. There are also special rules and etiquettes for presenting Hada. Generally, tourists would always be greeted by a white Hada presented by the local Tibetan guide. The Tibetans would always present the Hada to the respectful people with both hands.

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