Tibet Tour from Beijing - How to Get to Beijing Railway Station
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Tibet Tour from Beijing - How to Get to Beijing Railway Station

Update: Sep. 6th, 2012

Beijing Railway Station

Beijing Railway Station is one of Beijing's railway stations, opened in the 1950s. If you would like to take the trains in Beijing city, you should make sure which station you will arrive.

There are five Railway Stations in Beijing, which are convenient to get to the stations by the public transport or taxi. They are Beijing Railway Station, Beijing West Railway Station, Beijing South Railway Station, Beijing East Railway Station, and Beijing North Railway Station.

We kindly suggested tourists of Tibet tour from Beijing take Beijing West Railway Station to Tibet.

Tibet Tour from Beijing - How to Transfer to Beijing Railway Station

Beijing West Railway Station

Beijing West Railway Station is located in No. 19 Guangdian Lu, Fengtai District. Trains of Beijing West Railway Station leave for central South China, South China, Southwest China and Northwest China. There are many trains departing from and arrive at this particular station, transporting more than 100,000 passengers a day. Tourists of Tibet tour from Beijing could take the subway of line 9 or take any buses of No.9, 21, 40, 47, 50, 52, 54, 65, 67, 205, 209, 212, 301, 319, 320, 373, 374, 387, 414, 437, 609, 616, 661, 663, 673, 694, 695, 741, 802, 823, 937 (branch), 937 (expert), Te 2 to Beijing West Railway Station. Or you also can take the taxi to Beijing West Railway Station, which will cost about RMB 40 depending on the distance.

Beijing Railway Station

Beijing Railway Station is located at NoA13, Maojiawan Hutong, Dongcheng District. It is the right of the center. Tourists could take the Subways of Line 2, get off at the exit C (southeast) and then walk to the Beijing Railway Station. Buses of No. 9, 10, 20, 25, 39, 59, 122, 203, 209, 403, 434, 639, 673, 729, 938 also could drive you to Beijingzhan Dong, and then walk to the Beijing Railway Station of No.24, 403, 420, 457, 637, 639, 640, 668, 673, 674, 692, 728 (branch), 729, Te 2 to Beijingzhan Qianjie, and then walk to the Beijing Railway Station. Taxi would be your another choice.

Beijing South Railway Station

It is located at No.12, Yongdingmenwai, Chongwen District. The trains of this station operate the high-speed railways, including the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway and the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway and direct trains to Jinan and Qingdao.

By subway: Subway Line 4 and Line 14 to Beijing south Subway Station, get off the exit and then walk to the Railway Station.

By Bus: No.20, 53, 63, 102, 106, 122, 203, 208, 377, 381, 454, 458, 485, 692, 741, 927 Qu, 939, 943, 958, 986, Te 3, Te 5, Yuntong 102 to Beijing South Railway Station.

Beijing East Railway Station

This station located at No.7, Baiziwan Lu, Chaoyang District. It operates as not only a freight station, but also transfer passengers. Tourists could take buses of No.11, 30, 31, 486, 605, 608, 715, 852, 938 Zhuan, 985, 988 to north of Beijing east station, and walk to the Beijing East Railway Station.

Beijing North Railway Station

It is located in north Xizhimen subway station, xicheng district. It is a small station that provides regular intercity train service to the north, northwest, and tourist trains to the suburb and nearby destinations of Beijing City,

Subway Line 2 and Line 13 can take you to Beijing North Subway Station, get off the exit and then walk to the Railway Station.

By Bus: Bus No.21, 331, 375, 387, 392, 490, 604, 650, 693, 743 to Suojiafen bus station, and then walk to the North railway station. Another one is taking Bus No.27, Big 44, Small 44 Xiao, 206, 347, 618, 800, 939 to Yutaoyuan bus station, and then walk to the North railway station.

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