Monasteries of Bon in Tibet
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Monasteries of Bon in Tibet

Update: Mar. 24th, 2013

Yubon Monastery on Bon in Tibet

Bon is a primitive and native religion in Tibet. It had a large number of followers before the Buddhism was spread to Tibet. This article introduces several famous ancient monasteries of Bon in Tibet for tourists especially in exploring the religion culture of the ancient Tibet.

Monasteries of Bon in Tibet - Zhezhol Monastery

Zhezhol Monastery is located on Zhezhol Mountain with an altitude of 4800 meters in Dingqing County of Qamdo Prefecture, Tibet. It is about 37 kilometers away from the county seat. It is said that the history of Zhezhol Monastery could even be dated back to 2000-3000 years ago. Tourists pay a visit to this ancient monastery during their Tibet tour would find that the monastery backs on jagged rocks of grotesque shapes. Bon had to move to the remote areas to preserve its force after the wide spread of Buddhism in Tibet due to the historical reasons. Zhezhol Monastery is the largest well preserved monastery of Bon in Kham Area in Tibet currently.

Tourists making a self-driving tour to Tibet along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway could pay a visit to Zhezhol Monastery. It takes about 7 hours driving to Zhezhol Monastery from Qamdo and it takes about 3 hours driving to the ancient monastery from Dingqing County Seat.

Monasteries of Bon in Tibet - Manri Monastery

Manri Monastery is the most ancient and largest monastery of Bon in Tibet. It has a long history which could be dated back to 1406. It is recorded that there were nearly 1000 lamas and followers in the monastery at its heyday. Tourists making a Tibet tour here would find that the Manri Monastery was constructed against the mountains. With an altitude of 4700 meters, Manri Monastery has a cold climate and the oxygen content here is relatively lower compared to the lower regions in Tibet. The monthly prayer meeting and religious ceremonies in Manri Monastery attracts a large number of tourists and followers of Bon.

Monasteries of Bon in Tibet - Yungzhongling Monastery

With an altitude of 3750 meters, Yungzhongling Monastery is about 90 kilometers away from the Shigatse City. It is one of the four great monasteries of Bon which was constructed in 7th century during the reign of Songtsen Gampo. Yungzhongling Monastery enjoys important status in Bon. The abbots of the other monasteries of Bon in and out of Tibet were appointed by Yungzhongling Monastery. For the protection of the precious historical and cultural relics in the monastery, Yungzhongling Monastery was listed as a monastery under state key protection.

Monasteries of Bon in Tibet - Segye Monastery

Segye Monastery is one of the few Bon monasteries in Shigatse Prefecture. It was constructed in 1179. The Dongriga Mountain at the east of Segye Monastery was highly respected as a holy mountain of Bon. There were magnificent constructions and valuable cultural relics in Segye Monastery. The gilding bronze statue of the great founder of Bon attracts a large number of pilgrims in ancient times.

Gurugya Monastery is the only preserved ancient monastery of Bon in Ngari Prefecture, Tibet. It has a long history which could be dated back to more than 2900 years ago. Daze Monastery in Nyingchi is also an important monastery of Bon. The Yubon Monastery in Nagqu Prefecture is also a monastery of Bon which is widely regarded as the cradle land of Bon culture.

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