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The weekly number of flights in Shigatse Peace Airport increased to 4 after the Tibet Airlines was introduced

Time:2013-04-03By: LeoSource: hexun.com

Shigatse Airport

The weekly number of flights in Shigatse Peace Airport increased to 4 after the Tibet Airlines was introduced. The newly opened air lines greatly relived the aviation passenger traffic burden of Shigatse Peace Airport in the high season of air transportation. These air lines also provide more transportation methods for local Tibetans in Shigatse and tourists planning a Tibet tour to Shigatse.

An A319 air bus painted with colorful Hada landed on Shigatse Peace Airport safely at 8:40 a.m. on April 2nd, 2013. The landing of this flight symbols Tibet Airlines is officially introduced to Shigatse Peace Airport, the only civil airport in Shigatse Prefecture with the longest runway in Tibet.

It is reported that Tibet Airlines newly opened the flight between Shigatse and Chengdu. This flight will be available on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week. It will set out from Chengdu at 6:20 a.m. and get to Shigatse at 8:40 a.m. The return flight will set off Shigatse at 9:30 a.m. and finally arrive in Chengdu on 11:40 a.m. The original flight between Shigatse and Chengdu operated by Air China on Wednesdays and Saturdays changed the flight date to Mondays. It will departure from Chengdu at 6:20 a.m. and arrive in Shigatse at 8:45 a.m. The return flight will leave Shigatse at 9:45 and finally back to Chengdu at 11:40 a.m. Tourists making a Tibet tour from Chengdu should note that the direct flight between Chengdu and Shigatse is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at present.

Shigatse City is the second largest city in Tibet Autonomous Region. The world famous Mt. Everest and some noted historical relics (such as Sakya Monastery and Tashilhunpo Monastery) are of great attraction for tourists are interested in the natural scenery and cultural landscape of Tibet. The limited transportation condition in Shigatse Prefecture limited the development of the local economy and tourism industry in the past years to a certain extent. Shigatse Peace Airport has ensured 426 safe take-offs and landings, and the passenger throughout reached 34,200 person-time till the end of 2012. The operation of Shigatse Peace Airport greatly relieves the local transportation burden in tourism industry and promotes the economy growth in Shigatse Prefecture.

The flights in Shigatse Peace Airport were operated by Air China only due to the complicated topography and changeable climate. There is increasing demand in the air transportation in Shigatse with the rapid development of Tibet tourism. The demand of the flight tickets always greatly exceeds the supply in the peak season of Shigatse tour. The flight frequency in Shigatse Peace Airport is greatly improved after Tibet Airlines opened the new flights between Shigatse and Chengdu. The air transportation network in Tibet is more completed than ever.

It is reported that Tibet is planning to accelerate its transportation construction in the coming few years. Except for the increase of the flights between the airports in Tibet and some other domestic cities, the increase of the trains between Xining and Lhasa are also under plan in 2013. Then tourists planning a Tibet tour will have more choices while choosing the specific transportation method.

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