Laru Monastery – Introduction, Legend
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Laru Monastery – Introduction, Legend

Update: Feb. 28th, 2013

Laru Monastery

Laru Monastery – Brief Introduction

The Laru Monastery, located in Niangpu Country, Jiangda County in Nyingchi Prefecture in Tibet, is the largest monastery in Jiangda County, as well as the second largest monastery in Nyingchi Prefecture. It was built by Sangba Queji Paba who was the disciple of Tsongkhapa in 1440. Until now, it has over 570 years' history. It is recorded that the Laru Monastery was divided into upper Buddha Hall and down Buddha Hall. At the most prosperous time, there were over 500 monks in Laru Monastery. There is a statue of Goddess - "Duoji Yuzhen" which was made up of sandal enshrined in Laru Monastery. This Buddha statue is the main Buddha statue of Laru Monastery and local Goddess. It is said that the color of face of the Goddess with change with the luck of pilgrim. If the pilgrim sees the benign face of Duoji Yuzhen, he or she will have good luck. Furthermore, there are statues of Sakyamuni enshrined in Laru Monastery.

Laru Monastery is very famous in Nyingchi, even in whole Tibet. There are two reasons about that. The first one is for a knowledgeable Living Buddha from Laru Monastery who ever debated Buddhist doctrine with the seventh Dalai Lama and won recognition from Dalai Lama. The second one is for an ancient and mysterious legend.

Laru Monastery – Legend

It was introduced by monks in Laru Monastery that the Tongguo Monastery and Laru Monastery were very famous in Niangpu Country. The Tongguo Monastery was built on a mountain which looks like the head of ghost, hence the name Tongguo Monastery ("Tongguo" means "head of ghost" in Tibetan language). For a long time, the first abbot of Tongguo Monastery was not get well with other Lamas in the monastery. They often quarrel with each other. Thereupon, other Lamas were thinking about how to get rid of this abbot. One night, after the abbot fallen into deep sleep, Lamas wrapped the abbot with a cow skin and threw him into the Niangpu River. At last, the abbot was drowned.

Several days later, a young Lama of Laru Monastery went to carry water from Niangpu River. He found there was a leather bag stuck by tree. So he picked up the bag and opened it. He was so surprised that the corpse of eminent abbot was in it. He was so afraid, and he ran back to Laru Monastery very fast. Due to fear, the young Lama did not tell anybody this thing.

At night of this day, the young Lama heard odd sound outside the monastery. Then, he waked up his roommates and told them this thing. At last, they decided to carry back the corpse of abbot. When they reach the hill near Niangpu River, they found there was burning fire which was changing different colors. They are so afraid that they did not move a step. Until the dawn of next day, they carried the corpse of abbot to Laru Monastery.

On the second day, they cremated the corpse of abbot. In the process of cremation, the soul of abbot changed to the shape of people and told them that "the Laru Monastery is the place where I will reincarnate".

After Lamas in Tongguo Monastery heard this new, they were so afraid. Then, they went to Laru Monastery and asked Lamas in Laru Monastery to take them in. They will move to Laru Monastery to worship Buddha and chant scripture with full heart to pray for the protection of God and pray for good luck for other people to redeem their crime. Lamas in Laru Monastery complied with their request.

From this time on, the legend about Laru Monastery became the subject which was often talked about at leisure time.

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