Bugar Monastery
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Bugar Monastery

Update: Jan. 28th, 2013

Bugar Monastery

Brief Introduction of Bugar Monastery

Bugar Monastery is located in Xiadong Village of Daxiong Country, Cuole County. It is located at the conjunction place of Cuole County, Zhongba County and Gaize County. It is about 190 kilometers away from the county town. It is the farthest monastery from county town in Ngari Prefecture.

History of Bugar Monastery

It is said that the Lama who built up the Bugar Monastery was from other districts instead of local people. At that time, the Lama – Garma Xire Weise went to worship the holy Mt. Kailash from his hometown. On the way home, he saw a mountain when he passed by Xiadong. This mountain was named "Liangbu Cave". He found there were many holes for practice on the mountain, and it is a good place to practice Buddhism. Hence, he decided to practice there. Many years later, the sect of Garma Xire Weise was same with local sect. At that time, many local people and the leader of Bengba Tribe – Garbai believed in this venerable Lama. Later, the leader of Bengba Tribe – Garbai asked Garma Xire Weise to build a monastery there to preach Buddhism for several times. But Garma Xire Weise did not promise. After that, the leader of Bengba Tribe went to Tshurphu Monastery in Lhasa to ask for the permission of building a new monastery. After got the permission, the leader of Bengba Tribe started to buy necessary materials for monastery construction. The Garma Xire Weise also promised Garbai. So, he started to choose site for the monastery. When he was choosing site for the monastery, he saw that the Bugar Mountain looking like a cross-legged Lama who was chanting scripture. "Bu" means very high mountain top, and "Gar" means "white", hence the name "Bugar Monastery". Consequently, he decided to build the monastery at the hinterland of Bugar Mountain. In 1920, Lama Garma Xire Weise and the leader of nine tribes of Beng organized people and financed to build Bugar Monastery. Later, Garma Xizhu Yongduiba Sangbu became the first Living Buddha in Bugar Monastery.

But the Bugar Monastery was destroyed in the period of Cultural Revolution. Later, with the help of the Party and the policy of Freedom of Religion, the Bugar Monastery was rebuilt in 1986

In 1997, with personal effect, the Living Buddha in Bugar Monastery raised fund oversea and enlarged Bugar Monastery in large scale in five years. He also added two floors on Bugar Monastery which made Bugar Monastery more grand and splendid. The architectures of Bugar Monastery include Assembly Hall, Garma Xile Lakhang, Tara Hall, Living Buddha Hall, Mani Lakhang, Living Buddha's Bedroom, Sanctuary, etc. The upper part of the enclosing wall of Bugar Monastery is Mani stones.

In 2002, the whole enlargement project of Bugar Monastery completed. There are over 5000 persons from countries of Cuole County, Gaize County and Zhongba County will take part in religious activities in Bugar Monastery. The total area of Bugar Monastery is about 10000 square meters. There are 23 pieces of cultural relics, including 1 piece of national important cultural relics. The monks i

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