Schedule for Circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar
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Schedule for Circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar

Update: Mar. 12th, 2013

Pilgrims around Lake Manasarovar

With important religious status in Buddhism, Hinduism and Bon, Lake Manasarovar has been one of the most noted natural sites in Ngari Prefecture. It takes about 3-5 days to trek around the lake, and some of the devout pilgrims would spend around one month to kowtow around the holy lake. Tibet Tour would like to provide a schedule for circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar.

Schedule for Circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar - Jiwu Monastery to Hoer (6-8 hours trekking)

Generally, the pilgrims would start their circumambulation from Jiwu Monastery along the pathway by Lake Manasarovar clockwise. Climbing on the mountain nearby the northern lakeside, tourists and pilgrims will have the chance to see a series of dumped caves which acted as the residence of the devout religious intended to withdraw from the society and cultivate themselves alone. One of the Eight Famous Monasteries around Lake Manasarovar – Langna Monastery is located on the way to Hoer from Jiwu. Langna means the Nose of the Elephant in Tibetan. It got its name for it is located at an elephant nose-shaped mountain foot. Move northeastward from Langna Monastery across the road, there is the historical relic of the ancient Bonri Monastery. Tourists join the Tibet trekking tour around Lake Manasarovar should note that there is a large area of wetland and it is highly advised to walk away from the lakeside in case of trapped by the sludge.

Hoer is an important lodging site on Xinjiang-Tibet Railway. Tourists making a self-driving tour to Tibet along State Highway G219 could have a night halt here. Guest house with limited accommodation condition and store with simple articles for daily use are available here. Tourists making a self-help tour in Tibet could take a vehicle to Shigatse or Gaer County at Hoer conveniently during the peak season of Tibet tour. Besides, Hoer is also noted as the best place to enjoy the breathtaking natural landscapes of Gurla Mandhata.

Schedule for Circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar - Hoer to Selong Monastery (3-5 hours trekking)

Tourists planning to circumambulate around Lake Manasarovar are not advised to trek toward the lakeside directly when leaving Hoer since the lake you see might be a bog rather than the lake surface the holy lake. The black-necked crane might rush into your eyes if you are lucky enough. Selong Monastery is a small monastery, but it is said that Attisha once had a night halt here while he circumambulating around the lake. There are several Tibetan families around the lake, but it is hard to communicate with them. Tourists are highly advised to camp at Selong Monastery.

Schedule for Circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar - Selong Monastery to Chugu Monastery (6-8 hours trekking)

It takes about 6-8 hours to trek to Chugu Monastery from Selong Monastery. There is a section of simple road not far away from Selong Monastery. For most sections of the trekking route around Lake Manasarovar are sandy road and wetland, tourists are highly advised to prepare a pair ankle boots which could better protect your foot from the water and the sand.

Schedule for Circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar - Chugu Monastery to Jiwu Monastery

On this day, tourists have to stride across the network of streams formed by the glacier melting water. It is very important to wear a pair of water-proof boots. It takes about 10 hours trekking to get back to the start point of the circumambulation around Lake Manasarovar from Chugu Monastery.

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