Tibet Climate
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Tibet Climate

Update: Jan. 11th, 2013


Undoubtedly, the climate in Tibet Region is complex and peculiar, due to the influence of diverse topography and high altitude air environment of Tibetan Plateau, such as the thin air, insufficient oxygen, intense sunlight and solar radiation. The temperature is generally lower and extremes during day and night, especially exists between the Southern Tibet and Northern Tibet, which hold average temperature of 8 ? annually, the lowest temperature could drop to -16 ?.

Although the climate of Tibet is really unique and complicated, it is not as harsh as many people imagine it to be. Tibet is not impossible to visit the holy snow land.

Tibet Climate – Diverse Climate

Generally speaking, the climate of Northwestern Tibet is extremely cold but it is warm and humid in Southeastern, which forms a replacement distribution of climatic zone, namely Subtropical - Warm Temperate Zone – Temperate Zone - Subfrigid Zone - Frigid Zone. If you take a panoramic view of distribution of Tibet vegetation, forest, boscage, meadow, grasslands and desert distributed from Southeast part to Northwest part in proper order.

In terms of the climate of Tibet region, the temperature may exceed 29 ? in summer, it can also plummet to minus 16 ? in winter, and that is to say the temperature changes very quickly between extremes. The sunlight is really intense and solar radiation is also extremely strong.

Tibet climate is characteristic of distinct rainy season and dry season with the rainfall being very unbalanced, for example, in spring and winter it tends to be very dry and windy with low pressure.

Tibet Climate – Extremes temperature between Day and Night

The great changes of temperature between day and night are result of the diverse climate of Tibet. For example, in August the temperature could rise up to 28 ? but could also drop to 10 ?.

Due to the intense sunlight, winter is not such cold as people imagine except the solar radiation which is the greatest challenge for tourists especially for women.

Tibet Climate – Best Time to Visit

Tibet climate is favorable to travel from April to the beginning of November, and most ideal in August and September. However, Lhasa's climate is more clement than the rest of Tibet, and is suitable for Tibet tour all year round.

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