Tibet Buddhism was Greatly Advocated by Chisong Detsen
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Tibet Buddhism was Greatly Advocated by Chisong Detsen

Update: Sep. 29th, 2013


With the death of Songtsen Gampo, Tibet Buddhism was greatly suppressed and rejected by most of people for a long time. Even though there were fewer and fewer believers of Tibet Buddhism, this religion has been widely known and impressed by large numbers of people. It was a hard time, but the devout followers believed that they would have a successful and bright future only if they could pass it through.

As a matter of fact, yes, Tibet Buddhism has already spread out and developed very well nowadays.

Chisong Detsen Introduction

In AD 742, Chisong Detsen was born and became a very famous king of Tibet after few years. His father was named Chide Songtsen, acted as the 36th Zampo. But we do not figure out who his mother was. Somebody supposed that his mother should be the Princess Jincheng of Tang Dynasty. We do not know. But anyway, the most important thing is, Chisong Detsen was deeply effected by the Princess Wencheng. Hence, he made great efforts to advocated Tibet Buddhism and he was successful.

The Princess Jincheng of Tang Dynasty

It was actually a very flourishing period under the reign of the 36th Zampo. The son of the 36th Zampo was supposed to get married with the princess Jincheng of Tang Dynasty imitating the marriage of Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty.

The Princess Jincheng was born in AD 698 and actually the adopted daughter of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty. She came into Tibet in AD 710. Unfortunately, the son of Chide Zhutsen was died suddenly on the way to welcome the Princess Jincheng. The princess felt very sad after she knew the death of her fiance. Her mirror was broken into two halves which became the Riyue Mountain later. And then, the Princess Jincheng got married with Chide Zhutsen - the 36th Zampo when she arrived in Tibet region.

During the period of Songtsen Gampo, the 8-year-old Sakyamuni Statue has been brought into Tibet by the Princess Chizun of Nepal when she got married with Songtsen Gampo. It was originally saved in Jokhang Temple. The 12-year-old Sakyamuni has been introduced into Tibet by the Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty and it was preserved in the Ramoche Temple. When it came to the reign of the Empress Wuzetian of Tang Dynasty, the 12-year-old Buddha Statue was asked to send it back to Tang Dynasty. Tibetan people were scared. They moved the 12-year-old Sakyamuni Statue into the Jokhang Temple taking place of 8-year-old Sakyamuni Statue. Sakyamuni Statue was moved to the Ramoche Temple instead. They built a new wall in the Jokhang Temple and hung a picture of Manjusri on the wall. The 8-year-old Sakyamuni Buddha Statue was hidden in the wall. The military army of Tang Dynasty was failed. They did not find anything.

Later on, this wall was opened again by the Princess Jincheng in the Buddhist ceremony.

Tibet Buddhism was Greatly Advocated by Chisong Detsen

When Chisong Detsen was a child, his father was murdered. After he throned, he found that most of his officials were devout believers of Bon Sect - the original sect of Tibet. When he grew up, he started to greatly advocate Buddhism culture while suppressed the Bon Sect. That was the new beginning of Tibet Buddhism in Tibet history.

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