Tibetan Nation History
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Tibetan Nation History

Update: Jan. 10th, 2013

Tibet Nation History

It is a profound and age-old history of Tibetan nation. Ancient Tibetan people actually lived along the both sides of Yarlung Zangbo River. According to the archaeology history record, the ancestor of Tibetan people had already lived in Yarlung Zangbo Basin about 4000 years ago. According to the history, Tibetan nation was one of the branches of Qang Nation which once lived in Gansu Province and Qinghai Province.

According to Tibet history, it is said that the ancestor of royal families of Tubo Dynasty was once lived in Yalong Valley of Shannan Prefecture. Before unified the tribes by Songtsen Gampo, there are more than 20 leaders of the tribes. In the 6th century, many tribes have been unified, which the leader of the Yalong tribe was named the Zampo (the king of Tibet) of other tribes. The leader of the Yalong tribe established the slavery dynasty.

During the earliest period of the 7th century, the leader of Yalong tribe unified other small tribes, which the 32nd Zampo – Songtsen Gampo unified the entire Tibet region and then established Tubo Dynasty. Songtsen Gampo established his capital in Lhasa city. After that, the Tibetan language, Tibetan characters, Tibetan calendar, Tibetan rules, and Tibetan weights and measures have been created. Then the officials of the imperial were started to be confirmed. The entire Tibet region has been divided into 4 military and political areas.

In the 641, Songtsen Gampo got married with Princess Wencheng who came from Tang Dynasty. In the 710, another Zampo got married with Princess Jincheng who came from Tang Dynasty, too. Since the communication and commercial intercourse between Tubo Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, Tibetan society has been quickly promoted and developed.

But at the end of the 9th century, Tibet regime has been disrupted in a relatively long time. The wars happened frequently in Tibet region at that time. Meanwhile, the Buddhism masters have greatly connected with the leaders of the different regimes. The feudal system of the politics and religions started to be available. After that, the different regimes started connected with Song Dynasty, which the business and culture, etc, were promoted quickly.

In Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has been the part of China. The officials and offices was the first time to be established and governed by Yuan imperial in Tibet. Besides, the armies were also started to be stationed in Tibet.

In Ming Dynasty, the management system of Tibet has been successfully succeeded. The great masters of Tibet Buddhism religion have been investitived by Ming emperor.

In Qing Dynasty, Tibet got well with Qing Dynasty, as well as the Tibetan nation also connected with Han people and other minority nations more and more, such as commercial intercourse, and marriage. Two of the Living Buddhas of Gelug Sect have been respectively confirmed as the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama and then ordered to manage the affairs in Tibet by Qing Dynasty. The feudal system of the politics and religions has been officially established and confirmed.

After many times of aggressive wars, Tibet region has been occupied by British people.

In 1929, the offices which manage Tibet affairs has been established by National Government after the Revolution of 1911.

In 1949, Tibet region has been peacefully liberated and subscribed 17 constitutions of Tibet with the People's Republic of China.

In 1965, Tibet Autonomous Region has been officially established.

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