Tibetan Traditional Festivals in 2013 – From July to December
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Tibetan Traditional Festivals in 2013 – From July to December

Update: Feb. 5th, 2013

Buddha Exhibition in Shoton Festival

Tibetan Traditional Festival in 2013 – July

There are two most famous Tibetan traditional festivals in July. They are Shoton Festival and Bathing Festival.

The Shoton Festival which is held on July 1st will last for one week. The "Shoton" means "yoghurt banquet". Later, Shoton Festival gradually changed to "Tibetan Opera Festival". The Shoton Festival is a festival of eating yoghurt and enjoying Tibetan Opera. The activity center of Shoton Festival is Norbu Lingka. During Shoton Festival, there are wonderful performances of Tibetan Opera in Norbu Lingka. And Tibetans will take barley wine, butter tea and some other typical Tibetan foods to have fun in Norbu Lingka. At the same time, the Drepung Monastery will hold grand Buddha Exhibition ceremony. It is a good time to enjoy the wonderful festival atmosphere.

Bathing Festival is held from July 7th to July 12th. It is named "Garma Riji" in Tibetan Language. During Bathing Festival, Tibetans will have bath in river and lakes to wash out disease and evil spirits. Now, it has changed to mass health-campaign.

Tibetan Traditional Festivals in 2013 – August

Special Tibetan traditional festivals in August include Nagqu Horse Racing Festival and Wangkhor Festival.

Nagqu Horse Racing Festival is held on August 10th. It is a large scale traditional festival on Northern Tibet Grassland. In general, the Horse Racing Festival will last for 7 days. The contents of Horse Racing Festival not only include horse race, shooting, equestrian performances and other traditional items, but also include weight lifting, tug-of-war and other sport competition, as well as cultural performances, showing films and inviting folk artists to perform "Biography of Gesar King". At the same time, there is a grand exchange fair of goods and materials held during Nagqu Horse Racing Festival.

Wangkhor Festival will be held on an auspicious day before harvest. It will last for three days. After Wangkhor Festivals, Tibetans start autumn harvest.

Tibetan Traditional Festivals in 2013 – September

There is a little-known Tibetan traditional festival in September. It is named "Labo Duiqing" in Tibetan Language. It is held on September 22nd. On the day, Tibetans will worship Buddha, show mercy and chant scriptures.

Tibetan Traditional Festival in 2013 – October

In October, there are Fairy Festival and Illumination Festival. In these festival, there are many religious activities will be held.

Fairy Festival is held on October 15th. It is named "Baila Danzhen" in Tibetan Language. At the same time, it is also name Palden Lhamo Festival. In Fairy Festival, there are many religious activities in monasteries.

The Illumination Festival is held on October 25th. It is named "Gedeng Aqu" in Tibetan Language. The day of October 25th is the day when Tsongkhpa passed away. On this day, monasteries will hold religious ceremonies.

Tibetan Traditional Festival in 2013 – December

The most important Tibetan traditional festival in December is Driving off Evil Spirits Festival. It is named "Gutu" in Tibetan Language. On the day, monasteries will hold grand religious dance activities, and each family will clean their houses to driving off evil sprits and welcome the coming year.

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