The 6th Dalai Lama – Tsangyang Gyatso
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The 6th Dalai Lama – Tsangyang Gyatso

Update: May 7th, 2013


Tsangyang Gyatso is a Menpa nation. He was a widely known figure and greatly respected as the 6th Dalai Lama in Tibet history. In AD 1683 during Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty, he was born in a serf family in the south of Tibet region. His father was named Tashi Dantseng and his mother was named Chitan Lamu. All of his families believed in Nyingchi Sect – Red Sect of Tibet Buddhism.

The 6th Dalai Lama – Tsangyang Gyatso

On February 25th, 1682, the 5th Dalai Lama passed away in Potala Palace. The 5th Dalai Lama was named Losang Gyatso. He was officially conferred as the 5th Dalai Lama by the emperor of Qing Dynasty. His trusted disciple – Sangye Gyatso concealed his death to Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty and Tibetan people following his last wish for 15 years and secretly looked for the reincarnated soul boy of the 5th Dalai Lama meanwhile.

In 1683, a boy was born in an ordinary farmer's family in Shannan Prefecture in Tibet. With his birth, many propitious portents have been realized in the mean time, all which witnessed his marvel of this boy. However people did not know the short period of his life and his troubles in the future. This boy was named Tsangyang Gyatso (AD 1683 – AD 1706). Though he was brilliant and brim with talent in Tibet history, he was the most controversial one Dalai Lama with mysterious lifetime.

In 1696, Emperor Kangxi occasionally found the death of the 5th Dalai Lama. He became very angry with Sangye Gyatso. Afterwards, Sangye Gyatso told Emperor Kangxi that he already found the reincarnated soul boy of the 5th Dalai Lama and protected him very well.

In 1697, Tsangyang Gyatso was officially acknowledged to be the 6th Dalai Lama when he was 14 years old. In September of 1697, Tsangyang Gyatso was invited to Lhasa City by way of Langkatse County and then took the 5th Panchen Lama as his teacher. The 5th Panchen Lama was Losang Yixi (AD 1663 – AD 1737). Few months later, the 5th Panchen Lama held the special religious ceremony for him in Potala Palace in Lhasa City during the period of tense situation of Tibet.

In 1701, the great-grandson of Gushri Khan of Mongolia - Lhabzang Khan throned but did not get along with Sangye Gyatso.

In 1705, Sangye Gyatso attempted to poison Lhabzang Khan but failed, which caused the war between Mongolians and Tibetans. Finally, Tibetan army was beat and Sangye Gyatso was killed. Tsangyang Gyatso was dethroned by Emperor Kangxi as he was exposed that he fell in love with a girl by Lhabzang Khan.

In 1706, according to the history books written in biographical style, Tsangyang Gyatso was dead for sick in Qinghai Lake. People held the great celestial burial for him. But it is still controversial for his truth whereabouts, and even some people thought he was not really dead in Qinghai Lake. He counterfeited his death and then traveled to India, Nepal, Gansu Province and Qinghai Province and so on.

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